Eurogamer Pt3 - The hotel

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A/N - from now on I'm going to start each chapter with a tweet!

Lizzie_CWestwood - first night at #Eurogamer! Got a new grey #onesie with blue roses I #love_it! Sharing a room with my bestie 4eva, @Emily_Fashion_Blog - check out her blog! Love y'all!!

*Lizzie's POV*
'I'm so freaking bored! Can we go now?' Emily asked. I groaned, 'it's not open yet so clearly NO!' I'm in a bad mood because Stampy dragged Squid off to look at GTA5 posters, I though he was gonna ask me out!
I've decided that tomorrow I will build up the courage to ask him out. We are going sightseeing and Eurogamer opens at 3pm, and I will drag Squid onto the London Eye, when we reach the top I will ask him out...
The hotel is Gorge with a capital G! It is all crushed velvet sofa's and big feather beds! Tonight is a PJ Party, can't wait! It is a gamer PJ party to celebrate Eurogamer opening tomorrow, so I am wearing my LDShadowLady t-shirt with black leggings - plus Emily has just finished crimping my hair. OMG I look so... gamer-ish. Is that a word? Probably not. Who cares?
*Squid's POV*
As Lizzie and Emily came out of their hotel room my eyes widened. Her leggings looked so cute with the baggy top as a night shirt, and her hair was adorable! With the thick black eyeliner surrounding her wide green eyes she looked like a gorgeous black cat, but it wasn't too much make-up as apart from the eyeliner she only had a clear lipgloss on.
I don't care how this sounds. I desperately want to hold her - to hug her, to kiss her, to call her mine. Maybe I'm desperate - all I know is I'm rapidly falling in love with this wide eyed, brown haired cat girl...
A/N - so 2 updates in one night you lucky things! Hope you feel SPESH! I have 164 reads and counting! I am bringing Twitter into this a lot, as it is a good way of getting the story across.
Suggest a character, message me what they look like, what their personality is and what relation they are to Lizzie/ Squid/ whoever (aka - best friend, enemy, ex gf, etc) and BOOM they will be in the story and you my Luvlies will be getting a shout-out! Hope you'll love me then :3
Farewell mah Luvlies...
P.S - can hear parents wrapping presents downstairs. IT IS MY BIRTHDAY IN 2 WEEKS OMG EXCITEMENT I will be turning 13 I am not 15 forgive meh :'( lol I'm normal... if I get a birthday message you will also get a shout-out! SHOUT-OUT GALORE!

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