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Lizzie_CWestwood - and so my private life begins...


Lizzie's POV

The party ended, and only a few wasted strangers remained. Me and Squid - I'll always call him that, even though his name's Dave - sat on the low wall, still in our wedding clothes. Today has been the best night of our lives. One we will never forget.

Suddenly my stomach lurches. I run too the bathroom just in time. I come out, worried. Dave is standing there with wide eyes. We are both thinking the same thing, and I'm fairly sure it's not to much cake. We race to the pharmacy, ignoring the dodgy looks we're getting from wearing our tatty wedding clothes. We buy what we need, and go home. I go to the bathroom and come out shaken.

I'm pregnant.

Wow! This is the end! Although there may be a bonus chapter by our one and only SamanthaTomlinson!

So if you guyz so desire there will be a sequel, called, I don't know, Gamer Life? Something like that? But GAMER LOVE IS OFFICIALLY OVER! So much feels right now...

So. 2.1k reads - that's a lot. I'm amazed! It's one of the first stories that comes up when you search iBallistic, I think! Because I know you guyz just casually go around searching iBallistic...

I will read every single comment bestowed upon me by my Luvlies! Keep reading, keep writing! I sound like a teacher...

So yah! One last tonne of shout-outs!

Thank you to wolfgirl4783 (I think that's it) for being a dedicated Luvly. And for giving us the wonderful Wolfie!

Thank you to theQuadricorn. For so many characters it's crazy! Also for being a dedicated Luvly!

Thank you to FluffehBunneh (I think that's her name) for reading! I'm sorry your account got taken down, hopefully can be out back up, and I hope Wolfie can show you this shout-out!

Thank you to kindlelly for giving me Lilly-Ann and again, for reading my story and contributing to my Luvlies!

Thank you to josiehead25, for being my frenenenenenemy at school, but just a Luvly (I hope) on this.

Thank you most of all, so SamanthaTomlinson59, for always being there, encouraging me, giving me inspiration when I had writers block. Thank you for being my bestie, have a great birthday hon!

Thank you to everyone, really. Even if you hated. Because those haters still give me views and comments. Thank you to all my Luvlies!

Keep on following me! If I get 20 followers I'll put up Gamer Life - the sequel!

I really hope you enjoyed! Stay Luvly!

An incredible amount of love,


Farewell ma Luvlies...

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