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Decided to not do hospital scene! Had enough DRAMA! Time for le FUNZIES!!


Lizzie_CWestwood - this is our generation - getting married but hey I'll just update #Twitter!


*David's POV*

I'm so unbelievably crazily weirdly nervous! This is - wow. I am marrying the girl of my dreams.

I straighten my tie and smooth my hair for the 7 billionth time, it seems like! I have heard Ms. Fashion aka Emily is taking a while with Lizzie, so I sit in my chair and remember. Remember everything about her. The way her hair looks on a morning. The way she growls like a slightly irked kitten when I stop her playing tomb raider. The way everything she does reminds me of feline; her elegant side, her playful side, her sad side. The way when I kiss her, it's as if there is no one else in the world, just me and her, among fireworks and boulders, and blocks, and all the other stuff we love. The way I love her, and will always love her, no matter what comes around. I know Lizzie will always be there to poke my cheek until I smile, to stare at me with big cat eyes until I'm so totally intimidated I run off laughing. The way she makes my world shine, my heart skip a beat.

Every time I see her is like the first.

I remember a 10 year old me, watching idLizzie Lovin's vlogs. The way she only ever wore gamer tops and jeans. The way her dimples deepened whenever she glanced at the camera. She was happy to be there.

I remember just last night, when I held her, when she cried like her heart was breaking. I feel so bad for her. She has to put on a brave face, hide her sorrow. Pretend last night never happened.

Then Stampy pokes his head round the door. 'Oi! Time to go!' He looks so different in a suit, than in a gamer t-shirt and joggers. We walk down the red carpeted hall, with the massive pictures on the walls. I want to remember this day for the rest of my life.

Then the oak doors creak open (dem smexy doors) (sorry I'm weird) and I walk through. I stand, fix I smile on my face and wait.

Lizzie's POV

Emily was so fashion-y today! I swear she was running around so fast to find my flower ring for my hair she left a trail of, um, HAIRSPRAY! It was crazy!

The flower ring was the only thing I'd chosen, mainly because I REFUSE to wear a tiara. I also wore a cream and blue knee length dress, with a tight cream bodice and a loose blue and cream skirt. The flowers on my flower ring (I don't know what to call it) are also cream and blue, and my necklace is a chunk of lapis, on a delicate silver chain. My engagement ring is the platinum band with the lapis and diamond. I have a thing for lapis. It's just beautiful.

My hair is in a fishtail plait, wound into an updo around my head. The flower crown (that's what I'll call it from now on) sat on top, held in place by bobby pins. I slipped my feet into cream slip-ons with blue polka dots, and Emily sighed, smiled and said; 'Perfect...'. I grinned and hug ged her. Then Hannah poked her head round the side of the door and told us to hurry up. The bridesmaids are Hannah, Lilly-Ann, and Wolfie. Emily is giving me away since my parents... well. Yeah.

Me and Emily link arms and walk towards the doors. I see Dave standing there and swallow my fears. I put on a brave face and walk towards him slowly. Before I know it I'm standing in front of him, he smiles and squeezes my hand. The vicar is speaking, I'm unfocused, somehow I manage to say my part in time.

I do.

Then there's a flurry and me and Dave are being our usual hyper selfs. We're sat outside, giggling crazily. My dress is covered in mud and grass stains from when I tripped over my own feet, and Dave's hairs all messed up. But we honestly don't care. It's time for the party and we wear different clothes for that anyway.


Hey! For you this is after but I'm typing it just after I put 'girl of my dreams' way at the beginning of the chappie! I remembered - a load of you said it is going to fast - I need INSPIRATION! Just leave what you want to happen. I'm on 2k reads so hopefully will get comments! Thanking you muchly!

Happy birthday to my beautiful bestie SamanthaTomlinson59, aka Samel, in 14 days! Check out her story Ash Love!

Farewell ma Luvlies...

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