Saying goodbye...

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Lizzie_CWestwood - going home tomorrow! Yay!


Lizzie's POV

Skye has made my life hell. She's constantly sighing in my face, snoring at night whilst she's awake, constantly saying 'you better not be putting a video up!' That's why I haven't managed to put any mc vids up - only vlogs, and none in the actual uni, except one in the cafeteria with my friends, Luna and Honey. They are twins, 2 mysterious girls who have white-blonde floaty hair and piercing ice blue eyes, a bit like Skye. Luna has been a victim of Skye's sharp tongue as well, so we bonded over that, and Honey - well it's impossible not to like Honey, she's so happy and crazy, as well as a dedicated Luvly; when we became friends she was so excited!

Today is the last day I'll see them, and the last day I'll have to put up with Skye. Because *takes a deep breath* ONMYLASTHOLIDAYTOSEEEVERYONESQUIDPROPOSEDTOMESQUEEEEE ok yeah EEEP! So happy! That was last month and the wedding is in a fortnight! I'm leaving tomorrow so I pack my stuff away, and am about to walk out when I hear a quiet voice saying 'wait.'

I turn and see Skye leaning over from the top bunk. She jumps down, and stands in front of me. I wait for a snide remark or possibly a slap - I've been woken up by that a fair few times - but instead she stands in front of me, twiddling her hair. She looks at the floor and mumbles 'I'll miss you. I'm sorry I was bitchy to you. I - I don't mind your vids. My cousin set up this account and I love my subs - if I become a Luvly they'll all unsub to me...' I bite my lip. I badly want to scream 'you don't deserve any subs you evil back stabbing lying bitch!' But I hold me tongue, try to smile and tell her maybe it's for the best.

Then I go to Luna and Honey's dorm - they were lucky enough to be out together. When I knocked on the door Luna answered, squealed and said 'here's the bride!' I laugh and she opens the door wider to let me in. Honey is sat writing on a card, she finishes, smiles weakly and hands it too me. I gasp and start to open it. Honey grabs my wrists and tells me to not open it until I'm gone. I'm confused but agree. God I'm gonna miss these guyz.

I walk downstairs with my case in one hand, my small hand bag in my other, I tuck the card into my bag. There's just one last person I wanna see.

I walk into the cosy, messy art room, and see my 3D model of my Minecraft skin and an ocelot with the 1st place rosette. I smile, remembering the nights I stayed up, working on that by torchlight, with Skye moaning, saying my crap model was disturbing her 'beauty sleep'. That girl can say what she wants, I ain't forgiving her!

As I'm stood there looking at the model my art and photography teacher, Ms. Wallis, walks in. She has bright blue eyes and thick, mermaid style blonde hair with black highlights (inspiration from grav3yardgirl - check her out she's awesome!). The reason I say mermaid style is she has a small pottery model her ex husband made her, it's of a mermaid that looks like her, with a purple tail.

She sees me and smiles. 'Hello sweetie! Come to get your picture?' I smile and nodd. I'm proud of my model but it's not my best. Ms. Wallis has told me if I entered the my oil painting it may get in an art gallery, but it's too personal. It's a picture of mine and Dave's back. It's us with our arms around each other, sat on a heart shaped lit up compass - sounds odd, but for a reason. Given a shimmery effect with pink and silver glitter. I was gonna leave it at that, but it didn't truly get across how I'd do anything for him. I added disasters around the edges - zombie apocalypse at north, serial killer at east, plane crash at south, and sun expansion at west. This painting took me my whole 2 and a half years at uni to complete. It is going to be my wedding gift to Dave when I get back.

I wrap the painting up in tissue, carefully pack it into my suitcase, hug Ms. Wallis goodbye, and head to the airport. I hand my ticket over, head to the seating area, grab a cheese and tomato bagel and sit down. Quarter of an hour later the plane came. I was sat on the comfy seat when I remember the card. I open the envelope and the card says 'Good Luck Gurl <3'. I open it and it says 'We'll Miss Ya Gurlfriend!' With signatures from Luna and Honey, as well as most of the girls in my class, and even a few guyz. I didn't know I had this many friends. I put my card on my knee, put 'Move' by Little Mix on my phone, and fall asleep singing...

'Hey, getcha back off the wall.

Don't ya get comfortable

Looking so hot I think that I might fall

Feeling like it's my birthday;

Like Christmas Day came early.

Just what I want so when we move;

You move.'

So finished on a song today. May start that as a Thing, if you so desire?

So yeah. Shout-out to my perfect bestie Samel (SamanthaTomlinson59) and the new writer josiehead(insert numbers that I can't remember, please comment so they see your name) with her fabby new story Meeting Mason ALLITERATION! And by the way Josie you need a fan name (waves to Luvlies)

So yeah. Follow! Comment! Vote! All that jazz! Farewell ma Luvlies...

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