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You may not know that it was a competition. I didn't actually. But it was! Just a kind of competition. Ish. Thing.
Basically if you got a character in my story you get a bigggg shout-out!!!!!!!
My best friend in the whole world. I honestly couldn't live without you! I can wait until you come to mine on the 5th!
Creator of Lilly-Ann. One of the first people to comment on my story and I'm so glad, have helped to raise publicity!
Creator of Wolfie. Has always left a nice comment or two. Another who really helped me through this!
And the overall winner is...
She has commented so much! Again, one of my first readers, and has always had a lovely comment to make my day! Thank you so much sweetie! She has created a total of 3 totally original characters, and (message to Quadricorn) I will try to include your latest suggestion but I may not be able to...
Sadly from not forth I cannot accept any more characters. I don't want my story being to crowded! Please, as ever, check out SamanthaTomlinson59 aka Samel's books. She is doing an awesome one at the mo called 'Adopted by Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor', she needs characters so check out her page!
Thanks again! Your comments are making me persevere with this story! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU, I WOULDN'T BE THIS FAR! You are making it fun, not like a chore! Keep following, commenting and rating! Hope you enjoy this book!!
chaZZa :3 💖💖💖

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