Chapter 2

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Mei's POV:

Shortly after the interrogator left to speak with the Kage, the door opened up again. I kept my eyes on my lap and tried not to continue sobbing.  I want Daddy. 

Two people walked around to the back of my chair. A hand tangled itself into my hair and yanked my head back roughly. I whimpered as my hair felt like it was being ripped out. Everyone could see the tears still streaking down my cheeks. The Kage came closer to me.

"What's your name child?" He sounded like a gruff old man. He was just close enough for me to see his face under his kage hat. His nose was very large and red. There were bags under his eyes, partly from old age and partly from stress. He was short yet still taller than me.

"I-I'm Mei..." I stuttered. He gave a surprisingly soft smile but it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Men, let Mei go. She's no threat to us." He ordered and the one holding my hair tightened his grip making me whimper again.

"B-but Tsuchikage-sama she's an S-ranked criminals daughter!" The man who had my hair almost shouted earning a glare from the Tsuchikage.

"Silence. My orders are final. Now release her!" Tsuchikage ordered sternly and the two men scrambled to release me from the straps of the chair. The one that had my hair let go and pushed me a little. I lurched forward and landed on my stomach on the cement floor. I winced and looked up at the Tsuchikage. I could feel myself shaking.

"I am the third Tsuchikage, Oonoki, but you will call me Tsuchikage-sama, understood?" Tsuchikage-sama asked.

I couldn't find my tongue so I nodded. He reached his down and grabbed both my hands lifting me to my feet. I was very short compared to him.

"T-Tsuchikage-sama why are you being so n-nice to me?" I asked him softly fear causing my voice to quiver.

"Because if you stay here we may be able to capture your father and make him pay for his crimes. Your father is actually a really bad man that has hurt a lot of people, including little children younger than you, Mei. I want to give you a better life than he could provide and obtain your loyalty." He explained as he lead me out of the room followed closely by the two men. I nodded slowly.

"So, what are you going to do to me?" I murmured.

"I will bring you into my family where you will be closely monitored and be raised as part of this village." He said and looked over his shoulder with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile back as we left the building and entered the bright and busy streets of the village.

~~~~~~~~11 years later~~~~~~~~

So many years ago I was brought to this village and I've had the best time here. 

Shortly after I was brought here I started to make friends and enjoy this place as if I were born here. The Tsuchikage is like a grandfather to me now so he is "Gramps" now. He's very kind to me and I'm FINALLY taller than him... but still shorter than most of the village.

I come to accept that my father is an evil man that has done many horrible things to innocent people. I don't remember what he looks like or sounds like anymore. Its almost like i never knew him and I'm okay with that because I have a new home, Iwagakure.

This whole village is my family as far as I'm concerned and that's why I have pushed myself to excel in my ninja training, to protect my family and the ones I care for, to become an Anbu Black Op. 

I will not let any harm come to Iwagakure or its people, I swear on my life.


Edited 4/14/22

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