Chapter 9

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Third person:

It's been weeks since Mei first woke up in that room and talked to Kabuto. Every day she tries to get Kabuto to let her go but he refuses. Her father has yet to go see her. All she eats are the whole fruit and vegetables on her plate.

Mei does not want to get weak while in confinement and so she pushes herself to do as many workouts she can do in the small space she gets.

Today while doing her 300 hand stand push ups there was a knock on the door she didn't expect.

"Who could that be? It's not meal time yet." She muttered as she back flipped onto her feet before speaking louder. "You have to open it it's locked from the outside."

The door creaked open slowly after the locks clicked.

Mei's POV:

I faced the door and was surprised when it wasn't Kabuto I saw in the now open door frame. It was the other boy that was there when I was kidnapped. I think his name was Sasuke but I can't be sure.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him while i flopped onto my bed. I crossed my legs and arms waiting for him to answer.

"....I wanted to talk with you." He spoke just above a whisper almost as if he was shy, embarrassed, ot just not used to speaking.

"About what?" I asked. I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and stepped in closing the door behind him then leaning on it.

"Why," he paused a momeny, "Why do you want out of here so badly? Is it to go back to a village that has now marked you as a missing nin?" He spoke after a moment.

"Yes because that is where the people who I care for and who care for me are. It's where I belong. You wouldn't understand because you left your village behind on your own accord. You didn't realize how many people loved you and wanted you there, and I'm not talking about only fan girls. I know your clan was killed but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on the whole village. Love and friendship makes you more powerful than anger and being trained by a psycho like my father. Sasuke, was it, you're the one that can carry on the legacy of your clan and as long as your surrounded by the people who you love that are strong he can never influence your life again. With his current status in the world he can't do anything to affect the Uchiha clan as long as you don't let him get to you." I explained to him and he just gave me a blank look. However, I saw a small spark of recognition in his eyes.

"You wouldn't understand you still have loved ones and trust in the people around you." He mutter and I sighed.

"You really believe that? I have trust issues because of my father when I was taken by the stone village. I never learned how to be a woman because my father killed my mother when I stopped needing to be fed by bottle or breast. You are blind to the world. You are not the only one with problems. Open your damn eyes and see that." I said sternly while forcing my voice to stay as calm as possible.

He stared at me and his eyes held wonder and something I couldn't identify in them. He left the room shortly after I noticed these though.

After the locks on the door clicked shut once more, I got back to my work out session wiping what had just occurred from my mind.


Edited 4/17/22

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