Chapter 7

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~Third person~

Mei sat there and starred down Orochimaru not showing any sign of emotion and Orchimaru was taken by surprise even more as her last statement ran through his head. But he didn't know that Mei had missed him all this time and never would. She wanted nothing more than to be that innocent little girl hanging off her father's back once again. But she wanted to protect her new loved ones even more than that.

She felt like she would rather pick the village she's faithful to than go with her father in his path of destruction. Mei was fully aware she was hurting her father's heart along with Kabuto's but she had made up her mind long ago when they hadn't come after her that faithful night.

Kabuto was more than shell shocked because of how Mei has devolved not only physically but mentally over all these years. Even he wa unsure on what he should do in this situation even though he was always sure of what their next move should be.

Sasuke on the other hand seemed indifferent on the surface but was actually quite curious. He was wondering what had happened in the past and why this girl hasn't been mentioned in his presence before. He actually found this girl in front of him attractive and enjoyed the fact that she wasn't fawning over him like his rabid fangirls did. Sasuke actually wanted to get to know her though he never has wanted to do this since his elder brother killed the whole clan years ago. 

"I think we should bring her with us. She could be a good training partener for me I believe." Sasuke spoke in a soft monotone voice and actually used the training as an excuse to bring her.

"Lord Orochimaru would never allow you to train with her and have the possiblity of hurting Miss. Mei." Kabuto said while adjusting his glasses higher up onto his nose. But Orochimaru was starring into Mei's eyes trying to figure out what was actually going through her mind. He wasn't paying atention to the two men in his company.

He managed to see a small spark in her eyes that was showing she wanted to be his litle girl once again. He smiled a genuine smile at her.

"SShe'll come with us but we'll let her keep her memory. Kabuto we will put a seal on her tongue that will prevent her from speaking of our doing to others. Also I want a remote sealput on her where we can erase her memories if trully needed if she tries to flee." Orochimaru said still smiling. This was the first time in since that faithful day that Orochimaru had been trully happy for Kabuto to see.

"Yes my lord. I'll get onto it right away but seals can be painful so she may scream or cry...." 

"I know that and as long as  get my child by my side again everything will be okay."  Kabuto nodded and advanced on Mei who looked to be in shock at what had been said.

~Mei POV~

I starred at my father, Kabuto, and the duck headed boy in shock. They couldn't be serious could they? Sure I wanted to go with them but at the same time I wanted to protect my friends and loved ones in the village. I tried to tear my bindings but they were absorbing my chakra where I didn't have quite enough strength to break them. 

Kabuto walked behind me and I could tell his chakra spiked slightly as he preformed the handsigns where I could not see them to put a seal on me. I tensed in anticipation for his to place the seal on me.

I felt him touch the back of my neck and pain croused through me as the seal wasw put into place. my vision blurred as my eyes frilled with tears that I would not let fall and I hissed out in pain. I could feel an almost burning feeling on the back of my mouth as the seal formed. Kabuto came aroundtothe front of me and pried my mouth open slightly. He placed something in my mouth so I couldn't close it to try and stop him from making the next seal. Due to my blurry vision I could' see his hand signs only a blurred image. he then put some of his fingers into my mouth and placed them on my tongue and this one hurt bad. My tongue never really has been in pain before so of course the pain would feel worse. 

A strangled scream came out of my throat as the pain grew more and more. I felt the tears start to streak down my cheeks now against my will. After the seal was done Kabuto took the thing out of my mouth and I closed it immediatly but made sure my tongu didn't took anything. I glared through my tears at the men in front of me hating tat they would dare to do this to me.

"My lord the deed is done." Kabuto mumbled not willing to look into my glare. My father wouldn't meet my glare either.

"Good. The pain should knock her out soon we'll travel to the hideout in the morning." My father responded sounding happy that I'd be joining himonce again. But that shows how cruel he is that he is happy even though his "precious" daughter is in front of him crying from the pain he had inflicted on her.

I saw the duck headed boy smile slightly but it was gone quickly. I started to feel dizzy from the pain and I knew I'd lose conciousness soon. 

"Oh and Sasuke so you know you will never lay a threatening hand on Mei or I will chop off that hand and torture you for the rest of your life." Father threatend menicingly and Sasuke grunted a "Hn" in response to my father not appearing to be scared in the least bit.

"Why......W-why would you do this to m-me? I'm Your d-daughteryet your selfishly h-hurting me!!" I croaked out as I swayed slightly. I father seemed taken abacked and I didn't get to hear his answer as everything faded to black. I barely recall hitting the ground as I faided into unconciousness.


Minor edit 4/14/22 more 4/15/22

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