Chapter 3

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So just so you guys know this is going to be after Orochimaru, Sasuke, and Kabuto have to change their base.


Mei's POV:

I sighed as I sat on the roof of the Gramps' office, skipping out on my lame duties. Honestly, I became a ninja and Anbu Black Op to protect people, especially the old man, not run around doing chores. That's what genin are for not Anbu. 

But I knew it wouldn't be long until I was found and forced to do those stupid "missions." I watched clouds drift through the sky. 

"I'd love to be a cloud floating around without a cate." I grumbled to myself knowing no one was around to hear me. Or at least thats what I thought. Seconds later I heard Gramps voice booming from his office.

"Mei get your ass in here! You can't skip out on your duties anymore!" I sighed and scooted off the roof. I used the edge to swing through the open window, managing to slide across the floor and coming to a stop in front of his desk.

"Come on Gramps those 'missions' are not duties, they're stupid chores." I groaned as I jumped up on his desk. I sat on top of the paper work he was trying to do. A vein protruded from his forehead in annoyance.

"Mei you need to do them. Besides, it's your fault that there are so many left undone. Also we need those families taken care of as we rebuild their homes. And we both know how you won't do the rebuilding, so deal with it Mei and get off my work." He said through clenched teeth like he was trying not to yell at me. I got up reluctantly and started grumbling about him being an old fart. The next thing I knew his hands slammed on the table and I could almost see steam flying out of his ears.

"Young lady go do your work right now before I use force!" He yelled. I sighed. These small lectures were an everyday occurrence.

"Fine Gramps... but I'm better be free tomorrow." I stuck my tongue out at him childishly then rushed out of the room before he could throw the shoe in his hand at me. 

I exited the building with a long list of shopping and chores I had to do today. I grumbled about being treated like the village slave.

I jumped over rooftops toward the market. By the time I dropped off the groceries, building supplies, and essentials to the elderly, it was around noon.

Now to start on the list thats longer than I am tall of chores. I did the simple things first like finding lost pets or weeding/cleaning. That was over half my list done in two hours. 

"Okay what's next?" I mumbled and ran off to fix some fences and simple house repairs. By the time 6 o'clock came around I flopped onto a bench outside a resturant groaning.

"So tired~!" I groaned and glanced at my list to see how much I still had to do. There were 15 things left. "I don't want to do these stupid things anymore!" I whined this time attracting attention from three travelers that were obviously passing through.

I stared right back at them and made my left eye twitch as they starred back trying to freak them out, but they didn'teven look away. One had dark raven hair shaped like a duck's ass. He was tall (compared to me) with a muscular build and he looked to be in his mid-teens. His compainions were taller and older looking. One was an older man with snake eyes that seemed to glow from under his hood, and the other was a guy with silver hair in a ponytail with big glasses that blocked his eyes from veiw. I glared as they started to walk toward me.

"Mei? Is that you sweetheart?" The eldest asked. His hissed out his s's. I quickly rolled back over the arm rest of the bench and onto my feet to put more distance between us.

"Who are you, and how the hell do you know my name?" I hissed while glaring daggers at them. My muscles were tense with uneasiness.

I had a feeling they weren't normal travelers.


Edited 4/14/22

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