Chapter 4

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Orchimaru's POV:

I saw a very pale female laying on a bench as we passed through Iwagakure. As we drew closer my breath caught in my throat. Her face was almost identical to mine. I couldn't help but get closer to her like a moth to a flame, and I found myself speaking without thought.

"Mei? Is that you sweetheart?"I asked hopefully and probably blowing my cover. The next thing I knew she was flipping over the arm of the bench, landing in a defensive stance, and glaring at me.

"Who are you and how the hell do you know my name?" She growled. I frowned.

It has to be her but something has happened to her. She's...changed. She is rougher around the edges; trained to kill

I felt Kabuto stiffen as he realized who she was. Sasuke was totally confused but acted indifferent as usual.

"My Lord is she...?" Kabuto asked softly.

"Grab her now." I hissed and my two companions leapt into action. Sasuke attacked her directly while Kabuto swooped behind her and knocked her out with a senbon beedle to the neck. Sasuke caught her unconscious body and threw her over his shoulder.

"My lord we have to move quickly now." Kabuto spoke.

I nodded my eyes trained on my unconscious child. We took off, leaping across the roof tops in the direction of the Konoha base. Every few minutes, I glanced over at Mei wishing she would wake up and be the way she used to be. I never wanted her to be a ninja, like she is now. I only wanted her to be strong enough to protect herself if she absolutely needed too and maybe learn some medical ninjustu.

Kabuto saw me starring at her. He knew what I wanted for my daughter. I only wish I could turn back time and save her from that invasion so she never would have left my side.

~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~

We stopped in small clearing to set up camp. Unfortunately with an unconcious kid going into a village wasnt really an option. We had to tie Mei up to be sure she wouldn't escape.

After camp was set, I sat on a small log next to Mei by the fire.

"So who is this woman you made us take?" Sasuke bluntly asked.

"She's Lord Orochimaru's daughter that was taken many years ago." Kabuto answered sounding pained and depressed. Just thinking of that day that ate us up.

Sasuke seemed confused. "Daughter?" He eyebrows knit together as he spoke.

"Yes. His precious treasure that Iwagakure stole from us. She was such a kind child back then. She wouldn't even hurt a fly." Kabuto let out a soft chuckle but his eyes were shadowed by regret. "I stil remember that day very clearly. We could have saved her...." Kabuto dragged out. His voice was rough as the painful memory of the day our life turned to hell resurfaced.


Edited 4/14/22

What does My Past and Future Hold? (Orchimaru's daughter/Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now