Chapter 8

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~Mei's POV~

When I woke up, there was only a single candle lighting the room. I was under soft, warm sheets. But my stomach dropped.

I was in one of my father's hideouts; I was basically his prisoner now. I slowly sat up. My spine ridged with wariness incase something were to happen out of the blue like it normally did in my life. I looked around and saw that I was the only one in this room and I couldn't see my weapons pouch anywhere.

I laid back down not wanting to wander around this place just to run into one of my father's experiments or underlings.

I snuggled the blankets covering me and watched the door closely unsure when my father would send someone to check on me.

Time crept by as I laid there bored out of my mind. Soon, I heard a light knock on the door and Kabuto muttering.

"Mei are you awake yet?" He asked trying to sound gentle. "I brought you some food."

"I'm awake but I won't eat the food anyone here at the hideout makes out of my sight. I have no clue if it has been posioned or not. Kabuto just let me freel you know that I don't want to be here." I responded to him not even trying to be quiet about it. He sighed and opened the door setting the food on the side table before sitting next to me on the bed.

"Mei you know I can't and won't do that. Your father and I need you here. There has been a hole in both our hearts since you were kidnapped. We tried to save you that day but we couldn't just charge in on an entire nation ready for war. We wanted to but it would have been suicide with no grunted we would even see you again. It tore your father up. Never had I seen him that upset before and it was because you were taken." He said softly seemingly truthful.

"But that didn't help me in the long run, now did it? Because you both failed at getting me back I am now loyal to a village. Now I am stuck between you guys and my village." I turned onto my other side so my back faced him.

He didn't say another word to me. He simply got off the bed and left the room. After the door shut I could heard thunk after thunk as he locked the apparently many licks on the door so I couldn't escape. Now I truly am my father's prisoner.

My heart ached slightly. I never knew there was still a jole in it reserved for these two. Will I get to see Gramps again? Do I want to stay here or leave?

Edited 4/17/22

What does My Past and Future Hold? (Orchimaru's daughter/Naruto fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora