Question and Answer

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Sorry it's taken me ages to get this posted. I've been taking a nice little break from typing for awhile, and I plan to continue being lazy for a couple more weeks (months?) before starting on book 3. 

News!! I've decided to self-publish this series. For now, I'm busy doing research to see about the best options. Plus, I'm absolutely broke, so I'll need to figure out a way to earn some cash so I can pay for a professional editor. (donations are welcome. lol) But, sometime this year, I hope to see book 1 being sold. Some of you have already told me that you'd gladly leave a review on Amazon once the story is up, but if anyone else would be willing to help support my story in the real world, then please comment here. You have no idea how much it'd mean to me!! 

Okay, now onto the Question and Answer portion:

How did you come up with Mercy's character? Was she inspired by someone that you know or just a figment of your imagination? - run_gbb    TolaniOlusoga     

     I guess she was mostly a figment of my imagination. But, to be entirely honest, I have no idea where Mercy came from. I think she must be a compilation of everything I wish I could be, but just don't have the courage for. She's bold, confident, and insanely adventurous... while I tend to keep my thoughts internalized and try my very best to avoid confrontation and useless debates. I think I just combined the aspects about myself that I liked with certain traits that I wish I had, and Mercy was the result.

How long have you been writing? - run_gbb

     I started off writing songs at the age of six. (Don't be too impressed by that; the songs were awful.) Most of my writing career has been with music. I've written 100+ songs. And while I experimented with writing stories on and off through my teens, I didn't really start writing books until 2015. Porcelain Skin was my first completed novel.

What inspired this story? - Fellylii     i_like_cereal_

     I've secretly always loved stories about mail-order brides or arranged marriages because I love watching the emotions build between two characters that originally feel nothing for each other. While mail-order brides are actually still a thing, I don't think the majority of them are as romantic as stories make them out to be.  And since arranged marriages aren't real common in American culture, I didn't want to go that route either. I wanted to create a relationship that could grow into something magical and still be believable. So, a marriage that had lost its spark seemed like the perfect option. 

Why didn't Mercy just throw in the towel? - racontour 

     Mercy is very much against divorce. She mentioned briefly at the start of the book that she doesn't believe in divorce unless there's unfaithfulness or abuse. In her case, there was neither. So, even though it was extremely difficult to suffer through, she refused to give up on her marriage even though, at times, she did play with the idea.

Did Mercy ever feel like her marriage was toxic? - racontour

    She may have felt that way at times, but the truth is that it wasn't the marriage that was toxic. It was their inability to communicate that was the problem. Marriage is always hard, but when people refuse to deal with their issues as a team, then there's very little hope for things to get better. I named the series "Dismantled Pride" because that's ultimately the problem... people become too proud to realize that they might be at fault. A little humility can go a long way. 

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