Chapter 2

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Kennedy's POV

Staring at the ceiling was a typical end to most of the days at the orphanage. Nothing interesting usually happened during the lead up to adoption day, but today marks a special occasion.

"JASON!" I yell upstairs, waiting for a response, I perch myself on the first step with my back against the wall.

"Huh?" Looking up towards the top, a boy, dressed in all black with messy brown hair stood in the doorway. Rubbing his eyes, I answer him.

"Miss Avery wants all of us down here in 20 minutes. She said to make sure everyone is up, showered and changed. I think its information about adoption day in a few weeks"

"Fine. What about" He pauses and whispers "Georgia?"

"You know that Miss wouldn't let her be seen by the public. You do realise that if we even mention her name we will be yelled at and not given food for dinner" I scratch my head.

"I guess you're right. I just wish she at least had a chance to have a family again" Jason slowly walks back into his room, silently closing the door behind him. I begin to pace down the corridor to my left, scanning the dirty white walls and paintings of the royal family. I spread the news about the sudden meeting and head back into my room.

I hear footsteps cascading the halls as I smother my face with makeup. I like to go all out from time to time, and I thought that this was the perfect opportunity. I pat my face down with powder to set my concealer and apply mascara. Continuing with a little contour and highlight, I eventually run to my wardrobe and throw clothes out. I pick out a black MCR tank, dark blue skinny jeans and black converse.

Stepping out from the room, I head towards Georgia's room. It's up the ladder at the end of the hall, no one ever comes down here, I just like to make sure that she is okay. I step up to the top of the metal ladder and whisper through the holes of the opening.

"Geo?" I quietly say, keeping my voice down as I do so.
I hear mumbling coming from above me. Stressed.... Anxious noises.
"Geo?" I say a little louder this time, hoping my voice was heard. I try to start picking the lock of the door with a pin I had in my hair, it was working until...

Suddenly I feel a pair of hands drag me down from the ladder. Forcing me to the ground. Their large fingers placed over my mouth to stop me from screaming.

"shh!" I hear them say as their hand slowly becomes loose and runs through my hair, pulling me into a small hug. I hesitate, but soon realise Jason was crouching beside me. I pull him in tighter and stand up.

"What do you think you were doing! You know that if Miss caught you, Anything could have happened"

"I know, I know" I say looking down at my feet with my hands swinging behind my back. "I just wanted to make sure that Georgia was alright"

"I understand that you care for her, and as do I. But you know the consequences..." he grabs my arm and pulls my sleeve up to reveal belt marks. This was from the day I tried to protect Georgia. The second year that she was here was when things went downhill and abuse started. We only just began being friends and I tried saving her. It didn't work.

~ 15 minutes later ~

"Right... Children. I called you all down here for a big announcement!" Miss Avery preached. Smiling ever so slightly. The door behind her opened to reveal a man dressed in a black plain shirt, grey jeans and black Vans. He looked up at me and sweetly smiled, but was soon cut off by Miss.

"This man has come to inform us on some very exciting news" She says as she moves back, letting this kind man step forward.

"I would like to let you all know that adoption day will be taking place tomorrow. Someone has been persistently asking me if I could let you know that they are looking for children of their own. I want every single one of you to pack your bags tonight as you will be leaving on the day. I hope all is well, and you have a good day" He smiles and walks back out through the door.  I was ecstatic, I turned to Jason and pulled him into a bear hug, soon to be tightly pulled back. His grip was so warm and comforting.

"So, Ken, what happens if one of us... or even both of us...get adopted tomorrow... What will happen to... Georgia?" He said, swallowing inbetween words. Honestly, I had no idea. I couldn't leave my best friend here alone to live out the rest of her already depressing life.

I had to make a change.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I know it's a slow start, but believe me, I'll introduce the man himself soon :) Just you wait :). Anyway, yeah, I'll hopefully post again tomorrow, it would mean the world to me if you could give your feedback and share this / Vote for this story as it is my first.

Thanks again guys ❤

Always // Adopted By Brendon Urie [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now