an apology and a life update

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Hello all, and by "all" I mean "does anyone actually still read this?!"

This past April, I lost a close friend to suicide. It was one and will always be one of the most difficult things that had ever happened to me. Thankfully, I have an amazing support system of people (who also knew Julia, my friend- ironic considering my characters name though..) and I'm doing really good. There are some parts, memories- that I will absolutely never forget. I've had flashbacks, there are certain things, topics I can't bring myself to talk about-

"So why do I bring this up?"you're  probably asking.

I would like to apologize to anyone who has read my story and has suffered from the loss of a friend or family member. Knowing what I do now, what it truly feels like, it's something so extremely burdening and I feel that on my writing I portrayed Julia's loss of her friend very poorly. There are hundreds of things I would love to change about this story and the way that I wrote it and the characters. I can't even bring myself to reread the entire thing because it makes me cringe so much (lol).
As I was saying, events like these aren't funny, they aren't romantic or poetic, and they aren't something you can or should portray falsely.

I may seem silly or over thinking something I wrote so many years ago but I felt like it was something that needed to be shared.

I'm also considering doing some writing over the summer so lmk if you're interested in reading some stories that don't suck ass.

Also if you are struggling with absolutely anything at all know that you are not alone. I would LOVE to talk to you and just be someone who will listen. If you need someone to do that for you I'm your gal.

Thanks for reading this super random ~update~ of sorts

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