Chapter 3

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I walk home listening to the song Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead, not really wanting to go home but schools not any better. I feel like there's no escape. I don't want to go home or be at school. Where am I suppose to go?  I reach my front door and hesitate before going in I see my mother and father fighting so I head up the stairs going unnoticed. I blast the music to drown out the noise of the fighting going on downstairs, but all of the sudden it stops and I hear my father coming upstairs terrified I turned the music off. He's in my room now he slapped me and said
" You stupid little emo bitch I wish we never had you you're a mistake. " Tears start to form in my eyes and my mom had followed him she stands there motionless and says nothing. I run down the stairs and out the door I decide to clear my head by walking trying to ease the pain of my father's words. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone I realize that it's  the mystery guy from my school. I keep walking not wanting to be seen crying but he catches up and asks
" What's wrong?  " I didn't look at him. "I don't even know you. " I replied. "Well my name is Xander and you are?  " "Anna nice to meet you Xander." We continue to walk and talk getting to know eachother better for about an hour. Xander stopped and asked
"Well now you know me a little better can you tell me why you were crying? " "Well dad hit me and he said I was a mistake he had been drunk. " I answered  
" I'm sorry Anna, you shouldn't go back there it's not safe  I know we just met, but I feel a strong connection between us, why don't you come back with me I'll take care of you. "
" Okay" I said and we started to walk in the direction of his house. 

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