Chapter 14

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I wake up and it's about 11:30 in the morning we've been sleeping since the afternoon yesterday I guess we were pretty tired since everything that had been going on the past couple days. " Xander wake up we have to get ready it's 11:30 already. " I say. He groans but gets out of bed. I decided to wear something comfortable since I'm going to the doctor's and not any place of importance. I wear black sweatpants with a dark gray hoodie and straighten my hair. Xander came up behind me and hugged me. " Everything's going to be okay, no matter what I'll always love you Anna. " He says reassuringly.
"Thank you Xander I love you too. " Xander walks downstairs so I can have a minute to myself  
"Come on babe let's go we're gonna be late. " He yells. I run downstairs and we head to his black sedan. The doctors office isn't too far from where we live about ten minutes away which I'm thankful for I don't want a long car ride thinking about what could be going on with me and maybe my child but in this short car ride I can't help but over think the situation  Do I even want to be a mother yet? Could the timing be too early or could it be just what I need? Finally we have arrived at the doctor's this is where I had been in a coma for six months. I sign in and wait with Xander for my name to be called. I shake my leg because I'm so nervous. Xander offers me his hand and I gladly take it. A few minutes later " Anna Sawyer.  " My name had been called I stand letting go of Xanders hand to be examined. They weigh me take my blood pressure usual things that they do to make sure that your healthy. They say that they want me to do another pregnancy test to make sure that I am actually pregnant and it's just not a false alarm.
"Um are you the boyfriend?" The nurse asks "Yes I am " Xander replies. " I would like you to wait in the waiting room if you don't mind. "
" No that's no problem. " He says and kisses me on the cheek. After Xander went back to the waiting room the nurse took me to a room.
The nurse says "Everything seems to great your perfectly healthy.  I'm going to ask you some questions have you felt any nausea?
"Yes I have.  " I answer.
Any moodiness? She asks.
No not really.
"Last question When was your last period? " The nurse asks.
"A month ago.  " I reply. The nurse tells me.
"It seems very likely that you could be pregnant but just to be sure I'm going to have you take a pregnancy test. Go to the bathroom and you should probably know the rest and when your done come back and I will explain to you your options depending on your result. "
I walk out of the room and find the nearest restroom. I take the test I have to wait a couple minutes before I can know what my result is, so I set a timer on my phone. Beep beep beep finally I can look at the pregnancy test still in my hands and it reads positive.. I go back to the room where the nurse was and show her my test results. The nurse explains to me my options like adoption abortion or keeping the baby. I am definitely not killing my child that's for sure  I will have to discus this with Xander once we can finally get out of here. I ask the nurse if I can leave and she says yes I just have to fill out some paperwork before I do. After I am finally done with the paperwork I  go to the waiting room where Xander had been waiting for me. By the time that we were done in the doctor's office it was about 1:30. I grab Xander's hand and walk to the car.
" How did everything go?" Xander asks once we're in the car.
" I don't know if your gonna like this but I was right I'm pregnant. " I answer. I explain to him our options "We can do adoption or keep our baby I don't know exactly what I want to do yet are we too young to have a baby on our own?"
" We'll figure it out I'm here with you no matter what your choice is but this is not my decision baby you have to decide if you want to keep our baby or give our baby away. " He replies. We pull into the driveway after a few minutes.
"Are you hungry? " Xander asks.
" I'm in the mood for some Chinese food do you think you can make that happen? " I answer.
" Of course I can baby I'll go order it right now you can go relax and take a nice bath. "  I kiss him on the cheek to thank him and I go upstairs to draw a bath. After I'm done the food should be here so it works out perfectly. I get in the bath once it's full and drop a black bath bomb in.
** 45 minutes later
I'm done with my bath and our food was here. Xander called me so I would come downstairs. There were rosepetals leading to the dining room table and it was dark with  candles lit with the Chinese food set up. " Xander you didn't have to do all this for me. " I say
" Oh yes I did baby you deserve the world. " We sit down at the table and ate our food he even ordered my favorite orange chicken and rice. We sat and ate like nothing in our world had gone wrong. It was nice, peaceful even. After both of us were done I threw everything away and put on a movie. By now it's pretty late about 12 in the morning. We had cuddled up on the couch and fell asleep.

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