Chapter 12

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*a few weeks later * - I woke up and I didn't feel good all of the sudden so I ran to the bathroom and I started to throw up.   I hear Xander wake up and ask "What's wrong baby girl? "
"I think I'm just sick baby." I answer " "I'm gonna go make you some toast just lay down for now. " Xander says and walks away. I lay back down and wait for Xander to come back. A few minutes later he comes back with a plate of toast. " Here you go baby try to eat something." Xander says. I slowly eat the toast but it doesn't stay down I run to the bathroom again and start throwing it up.
" I guess food doesn't agree with me today. " I say.  I lay down and fall back asleep. Once I woke up I saw that Xander had fallen back asleep too so I decide to walk to the gas station . After about five minutes I arrive at the gas station I buy a pregnancy test and walk quickly out before Xander wakes back up. Once home I check to see if he's still asleep and he is. I went to the bathroom and took the test and it read yes.. I don't know what I'm suppose to do what am I gonna tell xander and if I even want a baby I feel like I'm far too young to take care of a child but I have to tell him and we'll discuss it when he wakes up. I heard him groan and ask me " How are you feeling? "
" A little better."I say. " Xander there's something I need to tell you."
" You can tell me anything. "
" I'm pregnant.. "

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