Chapter 5

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I woke up and realized I wasn't in my own house, I had forgotten that Xander wanted me to stay with him.
"Good morning beautiful. " he says still groggy from just waking up.
"No one's ever called me that before." I say.
"Well I think other people are blind because you're very beautiful Anna. " he compliments me again.
" Thank you Xander. " I respond even though I'll never believe it.  I'm worried of what will happen if I go home I have to eventually, I can't just stay here forever. Xander had went to shower, leaving me alone with my thoughts.  I decide to leave him a note saying that I went home so I find a pen and paper and write Xander, thank you for letting me stay here, but I can't hide here forever until next time, Anna. I walk home in silence, drowning in my thoughts. I reach my front door in a half hour, I hesitate before I go in. I walk silently up to my room when I hear my father scream "Anna where have you been you worthless piece of shit! " I start to walk away but he grabs my arm, stopping me. "Where do you think you're going? " he smirks.
I hear someone coming but it's surely not my mother.. It's Xander
"Get your filthy hands off of her! " Xander screams. 
"What the hell are you gonna do about it boy? She's worthless she means nothing to me nothing! My father says his voice cold. Tears stream down on my face. My mother completely oblivious of what's going on probably hung over or drunk that my father is at this very moment. Xander gets me out of my father's death grip and says "Go run now. " I don't speak I just run trying to escape everything. I can only imagine what's going on at my house this moment why would Xander do this for me? He barely knows me. I keep running until I reach the woods. I want everything to end it wasn't worth it anymore,  living. This is not living. I reach a cliff that it is pretty high.  " Angels can fly" I said. I jump and everything goes black.

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