Guardians Are Back-- Tell A Friend!

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Since the suggestion of opening up their services to the galaxy, few offers had been thrown at them through the galactic internet. Little jobs here and there were offered to Charlie, the head of communications, but she politely told most of them to, "Piss off," because the jobs weren't types that neared to the saving of the galaxy they had done. 

They needed a high-risk job to be heard throughout the galaxy so more people hired them; she was not going to find herself and her team cleaning and polishing spaceships. Despite Peter's plead to find jobs that were not risky, Charlie did the exact opposite on the galaxy wire, searching for bounty hunting jobs or waiting for someone to ask for their aid. 

Time truly wasn't an understood concept in space, especially during times of travel, so sleeping whenever all of them were tired was how they measured nighttime on board the Milano. During the 'night' when Charlie and Peter were knocked out, Baby Groot fast asleep in between their heads, an echoing ringing occurred from the device in the corner of their room. 

"Charlie," whined Peter. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Sorry, I thought you were in the middle of something productive," grumbled Charlie. She gently nudged the still-sleeping Groot over to Peter's shoulder. She grabbed the metal joint the screen sat on to face her and answered.  

A golden-clad woman, a lighter tone of golden herself, appeared on the screen. Her face showed no movement as she made eye contact with Charlie. She cleared her throat, making her voice official and proper, as she said, "This is Charlotte Rivet, Communications Director of the Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"That's me, yeah," yawned Charlie. She wiped her eyes. "How can I help you?"

"Our leader, High Priestess Ayesha, leader of the Sovereign, got word of your call to the galaxy. We ask for your aid, Charlotte, and the aid of your Guardians of the Galaxy."

Charlie asked the woman to hold. She grabbed a notepad and pen from the drawer beside her bed, scribbling, 'Ayesha' and 'Sovereign' to remember for later. She motioned for the Sovereign woman to continue speaking, adding in, "What do you need?"

"I am unsure if you are familiar with the intergalactic being of the name, 'Abilisk'?" wondered the Sovereign woman. 

"Kinda looks like a massive naked mole rat? Huge octopus arms?" described Charlie.

The Sovereign blinked. "Now I am unsure of your words."

"Yeah, I know what an Abilisk is," sighed Charlie.

"We used to get visits from one every so often. Lately, an increase of visits from one has been happening. It is after an energy source-- batteries. We ask you to defend our batteries from it."

"What do we get in return?"

"I believe you remember Thanos' daughter, Nebula."

Charlie raised her head from her lap. "You have Nebula?"

"She was caught by our people shortly after the Battle of Xandar. We were told by our High Priestess, in exchange for your aid in safekeeping our batteries, we will give you Nebula. Whether you allow us to kill her, do it yourself, or give her to the Xandarian's is your choice. You will have her, if you aid us," negotiated the Sovereign. 

"Uh, right," mumbled Charlie. She turned to Peter, who had begun snoring, and tossed a pillow over his face so she could think about the offer in silence. "Uh, uh, is it possible to get a deadline? Can I talk to the team and call you back? I need, like, a day. Maybe less."

The Sovereign nodded. "The Abilisk is thought to return soon. We expect an answer as soon as you discuss with your team."

"And an answer you will get as soon as I gather everyone up. Thank you for your consideration, your trust in our team to help, and I will return your call in record time. Goodbye!" said Charlie quickly. 

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