Mysterious Orb

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Peter set the Milano steadily following a course back to the location Yondu ordered them to rendezvous at. Absent of having to manually pilot, the two were free to relax. 

Charlie had her feet propped up on the kitchen table. Reading about the recent galaxy celebrity drama, she munched on another bowl of cereal. 

Peter stood opposite of her, studying the orb curiously. By his bare eye, he found absolutely nothing special about it. He wanted to understand why people attacked them for the seemingly normal ball of silver. 

A ring sounded from their television.

Charlie glanced at the top of the tablet she read from. She groaned.

"Who is it?" asked Peter.

"Who do you think it is?" she muttered, swiping the notification away from her screen. 

Peter pursed his lips. "Okay, hear me out: what if we keep it?"

Charlotte's eyes narrowed at him.

"People want it," he continued, tossing the orb between his hands, "don't tell me I'm the only one itching to find out why, Charlie girl."

Charlotte dipped her head back in a humorless laugh. "Sure, but I'm not exactly itching to face Yondu's wrath after he finds out we had no intention of giving it to him."

"That is exactly why we're going to lie our asses off," encouraged Peter.

A protest wasn't able to occur in the amount of time between his words and his action of hitting the answer button on his own beeping tablet. He greeted their blue acquaintance cheerfully. 

Yondu squinted at the two. "Why are your asses not on my ship?"

"Galaxy traffic," responded Peter, throwing his hands up hopelessly in the air.

"Hey, Yondu!" called Charlie. She held up a peace sign. "We'll be there as fast as we can."

Yondu nodded, falling for their lie. "Okay. Don't you forget I saved your asses from being eaten. You owe me!"

Simultaneously, Peter and Charlie rolled their eyes. He disconnected the call. 

Charlie sauntered to the cockpit. Bending over the tablet present on the console, she searched for the nearest pawn shop. 

"What's the closest?" asked Peter, squeezing past to sit in his chair. 

"Xandar, I suppose," she answered. 

Peter changed the coordinates. By habit, he flipped on the audio player installed into the console. Elvin Bishop came from the speakers. 

"I must have been through about a million girls

I'd love 'em then I'd leave 'em alone

I didn't care how much they cried, no sir

Their tears left me cold as a stone

But then I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love, yes I did..."

Charlie closed her eyes. Stepping behind his chair, she swayed softly to his sweet voice.

As quietly as possible, Peter swung around in the chair to watch her dance. It was one of the numerous things he loved to see her do. He stared at her with utter admiration. 

Being together all these years brought on a love for the small girl. What type of love, he couldn't answer. Up until the night she beat a Kree woman from attempting to rip out his thorax, he thought of her as a best friend. Seeing Charlie enraged over him changed the way he saw her. 

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