"Meeting" One Direction

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Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting in lines? I do, very much, but I was still so excited. One last time seeing Liam. Liam. Liam. No Mae! You can't like him you...

"We're going to meet them so soon!" said Abby interrupting my thoughts, "is what I'm wearing okay? Do you think Harry will like it?"

"He'll love it, your shirt is blue, his favorite color" I said.

"That's why I wore it!" she said, "your hoodie is perfect by the way, it looks totally like something Liam would actuly wear, but your purple shirt makes it perfect"

Sitting there waiting felt like forever.

I got bored so I messaged the guys "Hey it's Mae....waiting in line :P"

My phone buzzed, "One new message from The tooth fairy" I smiled. "Hair and makeup time :P I'm so bored. No chance you can come hang?"

I answered "Can't ditch my friend :( cya soon!"

My phone buzzed again ":( okay cya"

It buzzed another time "One new message from Hazza is Mae's favorite person!"

"I'm wearing male makeup :)"

I answered "tmi! I'll c u in your makeup soon enough"

"Yes u will :)"

My phone buzzed again, Abby shot me a wierd look, so I turned it to silent.

"One new message from Leprechaun"

"We'll see you soon! Just try not to go all fan girl :)"

"I'll try :)"

"One new message from Carrot King"

"I am ready for over half the girls there to give me carrots!!!"

"Good to know, where's Zayn? I have messages from everyone but him"

"He's still getting his hair done :P"

"Lol (not really my friend is here)"

"Hi Mae's friend!"

"No! She doesn't know I met you!"

"Nevermind Mae's friend!"

":) cya later"

"Yes! You better bring me carrots"

"Carrots for the carrot king :)"

I checked the time, it was 8:59 only one minuite untill they let people go in to meet the boys, and I get to see them for the last time.

"Mae! Mae! There letting people go meet them! Omygosh do you think Harry will like my outfit? What if they talk to me and I go all fan girl?" she said excitedly. I defiinately knew how hard it was not to go fan girl.

"Just chill out, and pretend they're just your guy friends," I said.

Waiting in line felt like forever, even though we were towards the front it still took about twenty minuites to get up to the boys. Abby went first. I gave her a quick smile and she scurried forward. The guys saw I was next and figured out this was my friend. I can see exactly what is going on. First was Louis.

"Hey babe, what's your name?" he asked.

"Abby," she squealed. Obviously because she was freaking out because Louis just called her babe. After Harry, Louis makes a close second on her favorites.

"Nice to meet you Abby," he smiled. Abby gave him her cd to sign.

"Hey, Abby," said Zayn as he signed her cd.

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now