Kidnapping 2

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A/N: SO I FINALLY WROTE A NEW CHAPTER! Ugh sorry this chapter is a MAJOR FILLER. Heheh *solutes* major filler. Haha no one gets it :) anyway, I hope you like it better stuff will be coming :). We're in the home stretch and there's probably about 6-10 chapters left of this story :( I don't think I'll write a squel because everything has already happened....anyhoo enjoyyy!

I woke up to various beeping sounds. I groaned. I was in the freaking hospital. I opened my eyes, and Louis was sitting in the chair by my bed.

"Lads, she's awake," he yelled out into the hallway.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON YOU GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled at him. "I don't want to be at the hospital! Take me back to the police station right now!"

"Mae, you sound like a bloody maniac," said Harry walking in, along with Niall, Kenzie, and a very sad Zayn.

"Seriously all I did was break my ribs, can't they just give me a band-aid and let me go?" I said.

Niall snickered, "Mae's funny when she's angry,"

I groaned, "Just get me out of here! Can't I just get up and go,"

"Mae, we're in a hospital, I don't really think that's allowed," said Louis. By now they were all laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" I said.

"They're going to take a few x-rays in a couple minuites to make sure everything is okay and then you can go back home at let it heal, you're going to be fine, love," said Louis.

"The doctors were actually pretty pissed that you waited so long to come," snickered Harry.

"Well I was a bit preoccupied," I retorted.

"You could be preoccupied, different date every night," sang Harry.

"Are you trying to irritate me?" I said.

"Yes," he said smiling cheekily.

"Well, what's going to happen to Liam and Alyssa?" I said.

"Some lawyers are on it and a ton of people are trying to get them out," said Niall, "we've just got to make sure people don't find out about this,"

I moaned and fell back onto the pillow. "Can I just be alone for a little while?" I said.

"Sure, love," said Louis. Each of the boys gave me a kiss on the cheek, and left.

I didn't want to push them away, but I needed a momment. I sob escaped my lips. I felt like there was a gapeing hole inside of me. Like someone had ripped something out of me and wouldn't give it back.

Like someone had slapped me in the face. Another series of sobs came out and tears streamed down my face.

"Mae?" said Niall opening the door. I sniffled and wiped the tears away from my eyes quickly. "Oh, hun," he said walking over to me and wrapping me in a light hug. I sobbed lightly into his shoulder getting the white t-shirt he was wearing was probably getting soaked.

"Aww, Mae," said Zayn coming in. He climbed up on the hospital bed next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

Then it hit me, Zayn was in the exact same situation as I was. Liam and Alyssa were in the same place and Zayn and I were both stuck here. "You really miss her don't you," I said.

"Yeah," he said giving me a small smile. I realized that Kenzie and the other boys were leaving.

"It's funny, I never really got to see you guys fall for each other,"

He snickered, "It's sort of complicated, we're not even officially dating,"

"Well tell me about it," I said sitting up a bit more.

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