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AN: To all of you who are extremely sappy like me, I cried so much while writing this chapter :,,(. You have been warned! I'm sorry, I'm sure you're all like "yay she updated, her story is so funny!" but this chapter is kind of intense. Ahhh,I'm all sad! Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I dedicated this chapter to KinoBino to show her, when a girl says she's crying becaus of her own fanfic, you shouldn't just tell her of get a boyfriend because you know she would if she could, BUT sending her a picture of a llama totally makes it better!

Legitly_Mae_Kingsorn:) : Lately I've been so thankful for all that's happened to me in the past month, but I began to take for granted the things I was thankful for before. I will never make that mistake again.

Real_Liam_Payne: @Legitly_Mae_Kingsorn:) don't worry, everything will be okay. I love you.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot. "I can't go in there," I said burrying my face in my hands.

"Yes you can,I'm here for you," said Liam rubbing my back.

"Do it for your mum," said Zayn.

"Not exactly helping," I said rolling my eyes and pushing the car door open.

"Come on Niall," said Louis.

"It's going to be okay," said Harry.

"I hate all the uncertainty," sighed Niall.

"We can solve that by just going in there," said Zayn.

We all walked in together. "Can I help you?" asked a lady at the front desk.

"Yes, we came as fast as we could, we're here for McKenzie Kingsorn," said Liam.

"And Jacob and Laura Wellington," I said, "But McKenzie is my sister,".

"Oh," she said, "Your mother called, you're the ones who came from London! Marina! Please take these people to room 208?".

"Sure," said the nurse. she led us to the room and I was shaking. "Now she has a broken leg and many broken toes, and lots of cuts and brusies, but you can't freak out because extreme amounts of stress may slow her recovery. She woke up about an hour ago, which one of you is Niall?"

"Me," answered Niall.

"She's been asking for you in her sleep," smiled the nurse, "I assume to two of you are dating,".

"Yeah," smiled Niall, "is she going to be okay?".

"Yes, she's going to be just fine, she is very lucky," said the nurse, "like I said, some broken bones, cuts and bruises and no stitches,". She opened the door and I saw Kenzie's face light up when she saw us.

"Niall! Mae! Liam! Louis! Harry! Zayn!" she smiled, "Did you really come back just to see me?".

"I missed you so much! I was so afraid you wouldn't be okay! I love you! I love you!" said Niall wrapping his arms around her and kissing her nose. I don't know if I should find this adorable or awkward.

"Hey save some Kenzie for the rest of us," I said pushed past the blonde and giving my sister a big hug. "You are never allowed to get a ride from Jake again," I said.

"I kind of figured," laughed Kenzie.

"Share our cripple!" said Louis giving her a big hug followed by Liam, Zayn, and Harry.

"I missed you guys so much," said Kenzie, "never, ever sneak Mae to London in an airplane without me again!".

"Mae," said Kenzie grabbing my hand, "you should go check on Jake,".

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