Back to School

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Omg! Thanks everyone sooo much for reading my story! It hit a thousand reads in less than a week, that makes me so happy! Thanks so much! Keep reading and commenting!


My alarm beeped like crazy. It's Thursday, and I have to go back to school. I got up and dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and Liam's hoodie. I guess it's my hoodie now. I washed it, but it still smells like Liam. I flat ironed my messy blonde hair, then did my makeup. Mascara on the eyelashes and silver eyeshadow on my eyelids. I went downstairs and ate an apple, then brushed my teeth. I heard a honk outside. I ran out.

"Well it took you long enough!" said my neighbor and friend Alyssa. She's seventeen so she drives me to school every day. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe that Liam Payne kissed you!!! I'm so jealous!" unlike Laci, Alyssa is a huge One Direction fan. "Is the sweatshirt you wore when Liam kissed you? That's perfect, you're totally gonna show that witch Malory!". Malory was pretty much the most popular girl in school and she decided to make it her goal to make my life miserable.

"I would rather just forget the whole thing," I said.

"That's a total lie! You love Liam! I actuly don't understand it because I think Zayn is more likable, I mean have you seen his hair it's like-"

"Alyssa!" I said cutting her off. She talks way too much.

"I'm just saying don't try to hide this, show it off. That'll tell Jake: I was kissed by a celeberity then put on the cover of a magazine. Show me something better!" she said.

"I just want things to be normal!" I said as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Suit yourself, but I would milk this for all it's worth"

"See ya!" I said as we walked into the building. I walked upstairs to my first class, English.

I sat down in my seat, unfortunately right in front of Malory.

"Look who's back from Canada!" she retorted.

"Who?" I said sarcastically.

"You! You dumb-" Malory was cut off by the morning announcements .

"Hey, hey, hey!" exclaimed the over-annimated voice of my friend Dune. "Happy thursday, today's lunch will be a turkey sub, sun chips, assorted fruits, and milk. Just a reminder boys, The fall semi formal is this Friday night so hurry up and pick up your date! Exspecially if it's Mae Kingsorn who has been making out with celebrities! Adios!"

I blushed so hard when my name was mentioned.

"Wow, you even got your friend trying to get you a guy, have you ever tried the old fashioned way?" said Malory.

"What's the old fashioned way?" I asked, knowing something bad was coming.

"Good looks!" she said flipping her hair, "oh wait, you don't have any". I growled knowing that the way she flips her hair doesn't make anyone overwhelmed (anyone catch that 1D joke?).

This is going to be a long day.

Second hour was World History. I finished my assignment and my phone lit up from inside my pocket.

"One new message from Hazza is Mae's favorite person!": "Hey you! Wazzup?"

"Ummmm I'm in school"

"Oh yeah"

"No duh!"

"Wow, you bad bad girl....texting durring school"

"I'm such a rebel :)"

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang