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AN: omg I almost forgot the author's note! (sorry if you find these notes annoying). So I hope you like this chapter! It's drama-ey! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Even i'm freaking out and I know what's going to happen, so the first person to comment (that isn't puffinworld98) gets the dedication! :D remember to vote too children. I really hope you like this chapter...like I said...freaking out! D:

"Mae, you need to come home right now," said my mom through the phone.

"No!" I said, "you weren't around to stop me from going to London, so you can't stop me now. I'm not leaving!".

"Mae, I don't think you understand. This isn't about you going to London, somethings happened," she said getting choked up.

"What is it?" I asked getting concerned.

"It's Kenzie," she said now crying, "she was in a car accident. I can't get home, and I was hoping since you were with those boys you'd have better luck catching a plane back to Michigan,".

"What do you mean," I asked tearing up, "What happened? Who was she with?"

"It's okay, Alyssa's fine," said my mom, "She was getting a ride from another friend of yours,".


"She was getting a ride from Jake, Mae. I don't know if he's okay or not, I'm so sorry," she said.

"What about Kenzie?"

"What's going on?" asked Niall, getting even more concerned by the mention of Kenzie's name.

"I hear that someone else is concerned as well, put me on speaker," she said.

"Drive us to the airport," I told the driver as I put my mom on speaker phone.

"Here's what the hospital has been able to tell me,"

"Hospital?" Niall cracked.

"Kenzie was after school with Laura, Jake's sister, for auditions for the school play. Kenzie's phone died, so she couldn't call Alyssa and she couldn't remember her number. So, Laura offered to give her a ride. The we're at a light and another car ran a red light and hit them. Everyone in the other car is fine, but Kenzie, Jake, and Laura are all in the hospital. I have to go now, I'm so sorry, I'll be home as soon as I can," she hung up and just stared at the phone in my hand.

"Kenzie," whispered Niall burrying his face in his hands.

Zayn put his arm around him to comfort him, "We're going to see her right away," he said.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke out into sobs. That obiously didn't help Niall at all and I could hear him quietly crying as well. "Shhhh," said Liam resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping his arm around me, "It will be alright,".

"My...baby....sister," I sobbed into Liam's shoulder.

"We'll see her soon," he promised, smoothing down my blonde hair.

"I'm calling the airport," said Harry, "Hello? Yes we need to get to Michigan as soon as possible, cost doesn't matter. There are six of us......yes all of us need to go......A family member and friend is injured.....Harry Styles.......Yes I am in One Direction......I would love to sign a poster for your daughter.......okay thank you so much....goodbye.". He hung up the phone, "There's openings on a plane to Chicago, then another flight a little while later to Grand Rapids," he told us.

"Thank goodness," I said sighing.

"We'll get there at about 6:30 in Grand Rapids," explained Harry. I checked my phone and it was 3:08 right now, stupid time changes.

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora