Hair, Waffles, and Lots of Tweeting!

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik B)

AN: heyyyyyyyy! I don't really have anything to say sooooo....on with the story I guess!

"Nothing...." said Niall innocently.

"Then why is..." I started, then did a head count of the guys. Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn...."Then why is Harry strapped to a chair with a bag over his head.

"Liam's been naughty," explained Louis.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Hey! She told me to do it in the first place!" said Liam.

"Haz, you okay?" I said and grabbed the bag.

"DO NOT TAKE THE BAG OFF!" he yelled (in case that wasn't obious through the all caps)

"Can someone please explain what is going on here?!?!?!"

"Louis already told you!" said Zayn, "Liam's been naughty,".

"What naughty thing did he do?"

"That sounds so dirty," laughed Louis.

"Seriously!" I said.

"I done wrong and I is ashamed," said Liam trying to use an American accent.

"I have never once met someone who talked anything like that," I said, "but that is beside the point. What happened?"

"Just tell her," said Harry, "and hurry, I think this bag me be suffacateing me,".

"I'll tell it in story form from the time you left the room," said Louis, "Ahhhem ahem, once upon a time Liam, Niall, Zayn, and an extremely handsome man with hair like silk and looks that made the women swoom named Louis, were standing around in a hotel room with nothing to do. 'I'm so bored,' said Niall, 'I wish Mae would get back with the food,'. 'What?' asked Liam. Liam hadn't been paying attention because I wouldn't stop thinking about his girlfriend Mae for even one second. 'He said he's bored,' said Zayn to Liam. Then Louis smacked Liam on the head. 'What was that for?' asked Liam. 'For being annoying,' said Louis,".

"That is not what happened!" said Liam interrupting Louis.

"Hey! I'm telling the story here!" said Louis.

"And finish it before I die of lack of oxygen!" said Harry from under the bag.

"Okay," said Louis, "Then Niall said out of the blue, 'I miss seeing Kenzie,'. Then Louis said, 'She won't have to miss seeing you,'. 'Why?' asked Niall sounding confused. 'Remember when we played truth or dare, she said she had 30 One Direction posters, so she can see you whenever she wants,' said Louis. 'Speaking of dares,' said Liam with a devilish smile on his face, 'guess what Mae told me to do yesterday. Flat iron Harry's hair,'. 'Let's do it!' yelled Louis jumping up and down on a chair. Then...."

"Long story short, we taped Harry to the chair and flat ironed his hair by force," said Zayn. He took the bag off of Harry's head and I cracked up!

"Where did you even get the flat iron?" I laughed.

"This is a REALLY fancy hotel," laughed Liam.

"Food!" yelled Niall, noticing the cart I had rolled in.

"Don't eat my muffin!" I said.

"I knew I forgot to order something! I didn't get a muffin!" he said. I looked at him for a second and we both made a mad dash for the muffin.

"Ha! I got it!" I yelled taking a victorious bite out of my chocolate chip muffin.

"Now that Mae saw me, can you please release me so I can go become curly again?" asked Harry.

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