We're in Trouble...

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I jumped on him. I jumped on Jake trying my best to knock him to the ground.

"Get off of me!" he said shoving me off and hitting my rib, I wailed in pain, but shoved him back.

I started smacking him,"you selfish son of a.." he shoved me back down.

"I said get off me," he growled over me.

"Not untill you let my friends go," I said trying to get back up, but he shoved me down with his foot. I winced in pain trying not to show that I was hurt.

"That's not up to me, now is it," he said sinking his foot deeper into my side. I heard a noise in the other room, and Jake scrambled back to his seat. I just lead there and held back the tears in my eyes.

"What happened in here?" said a police officer entering the room, this one was male.

"Mae, just feel over," said Jake, pretending to be worried.

"Jake is a lying bas..." I started hoping he could feel the hate through my voice.

"There is now foul language in here young lady," said the cop sternly, "I want you to simply tell me what happened,"

"Gladly," I said sending Jake a nasty look, "I went over to dinner at Jake's house and he asked me to come upstairs with him, I assumed it was just to talk about the car accident he and my sister were in, but as soon as we got up to his room, he left. Then I noticed a drawing folder on his desk and noticed he had like 5 pictures that he drew of me, and a poster of One Direction with x's on their faces and some other weird stuff. He came back with a knife and made me get in his closet. He said "they"-whoever "they" are- wanted to keep me away from One Direction. Then he threatened me with a gun. I stayed trapped in there for about two days and his stupid girlfriend sunk her stiletto into my rib cage and I think it's broken," I said.

"What?" said Jake actually looking concerned.

The officer didn't pay any attention to Jake, insted he continued to question me, "Do you have any evidence?"

"Um, my broken rib, that should really have some medical attention, and" I dumped out the contents of my purse and pulled out the things I found in Jake's closet, "This stuff,"

"If I had you trapped," snickered Jake, "Then why didn't you use that cell phone to call the police?"

"Because I didn't want to turn in my friend," I said

Jake chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, Jake, what really happened?" asked the cop.

"I wish I knew, officer," said Jake, kiss up, "Mae was over, and she told me she was going home, but I guess she didn't get home, and those boys kidnapped her on her way home, my guess is that they stayed in their hotel,".

"No, they were staying with my sister the whole time I was gone," I said.

"No, they just want us to think that," said Jake urgently, "That's why they all came to my house, to frame me,"

"If that was true, why would I be defending them?" I said.

"Well she probably has that condition where they get attached to their kidnapper," he said.

"Are you seriously going to believe him?" I asked, "He's insane!"

"Jake, why don't you go explain to the chief..er...your father" said the cop. Wait? Jake's dad is the police chief? Ohhhhhh.

"You've got to trust me officer, it wasn't them. Please let them out," I said.

"The story is sort of off, but I've known little Jake since he was just a baby, and he wouldn't hurt a fly," said the police officer.

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum