Same Mistakes

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AN: Hey! I hope your life is going well! Just as a warning: if you have a weak stomach there is some puking that occurs durring this chapter. There is also a vocabulary word that may be new to it is:

Retch: to puke, vomit etc.

Okay, you guessed it, it was Harry.

"What are you doing here?"I said.

"Sleeping in the bathtub," he replied calmly, "Now answer my question: Where were you?"

"Just outside for a few minutes for a walk," I said quickly.

"Then why are you crying?"he asked me and I realized there were still tears in my eyes.

"Nothing," I sniffled, embarrassed about crying in front of Harry, "I'm just gonna go back to bed,".

"No," said Harry lightly touching my arm, "tell me what's wrong,"

Now I was sobbing all over again, "Everything!" I said as loudly as I could without waking Liam.

"So it's basically my fault, you went out there because I..."

"No!" I said interrupting him. I couldn't let him blame himself for this,"It was Jake, he blackmailed me so I would go talk to him,".

"Mae I'm so.."

"Don't say you're sorry! It's my problem! I just can't decide who I want to be with, or if I even want to be with any of you! You all claim to be in love with me! Why?"

Harry held both of my hands in his warming them up from being outside in the cold, "I'll tell you exactly why. You light up my world like nobody else, I like the way you smile with your eyes, there's something about your laugh, you're my kryptonite, well, it's everything about you," he said with a little grin on his face.

It's impossible not to love a boy when he does something as sweet as that. I let myself lean in towards him. My breath got shakey. He lightly placed his hand on my cheek.

"You are so beautiful," he said and I got lost in his eyes again.

"Sorry to interrupt, but for some reason I felt the need to say something when my girlfriend is making goo-goo eyes at one of my best friends," I turned my head.

"Liam, it's not what you think,"

"What? Is Harry going to say he had another Monster? I saw you! Your secret lover can't bail you out of this one, you two faced-"

"Liam-" Harry started.

"Don't even try!" said Liam, "I'm just as mad at you! I'm such an idiot!" he yelled kicking the wall.

"No you're not!"" I started.

"You are the last person that would ever change my mind about that. Don't ever talk to me again! I can't wait for this whole stupid publicity thing to stop so we can get out of here, once I say we aren't together, they'll believe me and I won't ever have to see you again!" he stormed out of the room.

I felt nauseous. "Mae, are you alright?" said Harry. I ran over to the toilet and started vomiting like crazy. Harry came over and put his hand of my back and comforted me as I barfed chuncks into the toilet. I finally stopped, but I was cold and clammy.

"Do you want to go back to bed?" asked Harry.

"I think I'll stay in here a little longer just in case I retch again," I said, "You can go watch tv or go back to bed or something,"

"Okay," said Harry and he turned on the tv. After a few minuites I felt better so I walked back into my room in tears.

Harry saw me, "come here," he said, and I sat next to him on the couch at the end of my bed. The show he was watching ended, and a new one came on, it was the gossip show Kenzie watched. "I can change the channel if you want to," he said.

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