Never Have I Ever

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A/N: I would just like to share that I wrote this chapter while riding in an rv listening to my iPod and drinking root beer! Whoho! Lln! I hope you like the chapter! :D

"Boys, upstairs, now!" I whisper screamed. The boys walked silently to the stairs, and Dune followed them. "Not you Dune!". Alyssa, Laci, and Dune sat in front of the tv and acted as of nothing was going on.

"I'm coming mum...err mom!" I said. The boys' accents were rubbing off on me.

"Mae, help me with my bags," said my mom, "it's so good to see you honey, how is your sister doing?"

"She's having a great recovery," I said picking up two of her four bags (dang woman!) and walked to her bedroom and plopped them down, she dropped her two and basically ran into the living room to see Kenzie.

"Kenzie!" she said running to give her a hug, "Are you wearing make up?". Oh crud, I forgot she put a ton of makeup on to impress Niall even though I told her it wouldn't make a difference for him.

"Oh, I gave her a makeover," said Alyssa, "I thought it would be something fun to do,"

"Oh, that was very sweet of you Alyssa," smiled my mom, thank goodness she's so gullible! "Nice to see you, Laci and Dune. I'm glad I didn't walk in here to find those boys Mae's been hanging out with, and ran away to London with! Speaking of those boys, where are they?"

"Um..." I started not knowing what to say.

"They're staying at a hotel," said Laci.

"I see," said my mom, "I have to work from my office for most of the day, and I have to go back to the office tomorrow and back to Japan at the end of the week, but tonight we are invited to go eat at the Wellingtons' house,"

"Oh okay, are we going? Who's all gonna be there?"

"Just our two families, to mourn our losses because of the accident, you should really talk to Jake, have you ever thought about maybe dating him?"

"Mom! I'm not going to date him just because I feel bad for him, and while you were busy being super businesswoman in Japan you were to busy to realize that I already have a boyfriend!"

"Oh I noticed! I noticed that you had TWO!" she yelled back at me.

"That picture was taken out of context, we were hiding from a fan,"

"By kissing?"

"It was the first thing that we could think of, and it's all cleared up that there was nothing between Harry and I"

"Why do I even bother acting concerned, you deny everything!"

"This is the first time you've paid attention when something went wrong, and you've come too late, my FRIENDS have helped me out!"

"I sure hope you mean Alyssa, Abby, Laci, Dune, and Jake!"

"You know exactly who I'm talking about! Their names are Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Harry!"

"Your father wouldn't approve of this!"

"Really? I think he would've actually paid attention to the situation unlike YOU! I doubt you even paid attention to dad while he was alive! You just went off and worked because you didn't think the money he made boating wasn't enough! You've never been there for me, so I just pretend dad is and now when I've got a great group of friends here for me, you try and get rid of half of them? You shouldn't judge them before I even meet them! Kenzie and Alyssa would agree! I'm going upstairs, intercom me when it's time to go," I stormed up the stairs, but she didn't follow me. She doesn't pay enough attention to know that's what moms are supposed to do when their teenage daughters storm upstairs. When I got upstairs I saw they boys with their ears pressed against the intercom and Zayn using his iPhone app to get the words typed up of what people were saying.

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