Don't Touch Me

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A/N: well I have encountered my first hater, it's tough, especially for me because this person was my friend, I was logged onto my other account, and I assumed she knew it was me, but I guess she didn't, and she was rude to me to to the point that it made be cry. The reason? I'm a fan of One Direction. Don't worry, I'm not going to stop writing or stop being a fan because obiously that's what she wants me to do, so I'm not giving in to her bullcrap, I'm not going to go into specifics but I basicly got called a sheep and a mindless follower just for liking One Direction. Yeah. If you find this person (it's really obious by her profile) which I hope you don't, but if you do, PLEASE don't say anything, no matter what terrible things she says about the boys, just for the fun of it, just don't get involved because I swear, she'll say worse things to you. I am very upset with this person, but I don't want to embarrass her so I'm not saying who she is. I do want to say, thanks for always being there for me, and i haven't gotten any random haters on my story so that's nice, you guys are the sweetest and I'm sure the boys would love you all very much, just like I do. You may have noticed me putting up a status about cyber bullying, that was because of this, and I have a friend who will just go along with this mean stuff because she doesn't like One Direction and it's rude. These haters made me cry and are obiously not worth our time. So if someone is hating on you for being a fan, just tell them to buzz off, ignore them, or give them "the face" (if you don't understand the last one, pretend it isn't there because I'm too lazy to explain). Okay, I'm sorry to have wasted your time and I'm sure you just want to read the freaking chapter already, so I'll let you do that :)

~Mae's P.O.V~ 

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. Pain took over my rib-cage and I let out a small moan in pain. I looked around and had no clue what time it was, but there was no light streaming in from under the crack of the door. My turkey sandwich from earlier laid untouched, next to it was a bowl of Ramen Noodles. Obiously, I went strait for the ramen, and ate it much more quickly than I should, I was still hungry, but I saved the turkey sandwich for later. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring, that was odd, what time was it?

"Jake honey, get the door," said Susan from downstairs.

There was a short of pause and I assumed that Jake had opened the door.

"Get out of here!" he yelled suddenly.

"We know you kidnapped Mae!" said a voice from sounded...British...LOUIS!

"What are you talking about?"

"You are keeping Mae somewhere in this house, and we know it," said another voice...Harry? Why were they talking so loudly.

"Jake what are they talking about?" asked Jakes dad.

"They're lying, they have Mae, and they're trying to frame me!"

"No we're not!" said Harry, "we just want Mae back,".

"She's not all yours!" protested Jake, "just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean that you get everything you want,"

"We just want you to let her go!" said Louis, "we know you have her here,". I heard someone moving through the room. Was it Malory? The lock clicked open.

~Kenzie's P.O.V.~

Niall and I sat in my bedroom with my head resting on his shoulder and a laptop in front of us. We stared at a blank screen for what felt Iike forever, and then Alyssa turned the camera on and we saw the outside of Jake's house. There was a tree out by his window so Liam started climbing it and helped Alyssa up. Alyssa let out a small shriek as she slipped, but Liam caught her hand and pulled her up onto a branch almost level to Jake's window?

"I'll go first," Liam whispered so quietly that Niall and I could barely hear what he said.

Liam jumped over to the window then was followed by Alyssa closely behind. I burried my head in the crook of Niall's shoulder. I heard a rustle of leaves and then the soft sound of a window opening.

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