
7K 78 29
  • Zadedykowane Harry Styles ;)

AN: omg so I realized the other day that I have over 100 fans :D aaaaand this story has of 300 votes thanks so much! Okay so now that i have the attention of all of you, I would like to make an announcement: If any of ever meet 1D PLEASE ask Liam to marry me...if he says no tell him how awesome I am.....if he says no again ask Niall to marry me insted :). Now I issue a challenge to thee! If. This chapter gets over 50 votes, I will update it that same day..if it doesn't ill just wait my usual 2-4 days. The challenge has begun! MUAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Now to the story:

"I'll take a mango smoothie," I told the flight attendant calmly. I've never been in first class this fancy before and it's insane how much they have for you to choose from!

"I'll have the same," smiled Liam. Why did he have to be so freaking adorable!?!

"Okay," I started.

"Uh, oh," yelled Zayn from a seat behind me, "when she starts with an 'okay' it means she's going to talk a lot!"

"No!" I said, "but in this case, it's true," I smiled. "So anyway, I don't think you really thought this through. My fourteen-year-old sister is home alone for who knows how long, I'm going to miss even more school, and I'm not even packed,"

"Oh, come on Mae, we're not complete dummies" said Harry, "Kenzie's staying at Alyssa's, we set you up with online school, and Alyssa packed for you while you were talking to Niall,".

"Well played boys," I smiled.

"Thank you," they all chorused.

"It's really creepy when you all talk together like that..." I said.

"Sorry," they said in unison.

I laughed, "Have I ever told you how much I love you guys?"

"You could tell us a bit more often," laughed Liam.

"Don't fall for it Mae! He only wants in your pants!" laughed Zayn. This caught the attention of many other passengers and we got quite a few dirty looks. "Just kidding!" he said.

The flight attendant came with our drinks. She gave Louis and Harry their teas first.

"Why thank you, Marie," said Harry reading her name off the tag she was wearing giving her a classic Harry Styles grin.

"Flirt," I coughed so only he could hear it as he was seated in the seat in front of me.

"Jealous?" he coughed so only I could hear. I kicked his seat out of irritation, then sipped my mango smoothie. I pulled out my IPad and started reading a story from wattpad that I had saved.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"It's called More Than Just A Summer Camp," I said, "It's really romantic and girly, you'd hate it. PUFFY CLOUDS!"

"ADD much?" asked Harry from in front of me.

"But Hazza, look, the clouds are really puffy!" said Louis.

"All clouds are puffy!" said Niall.

"Why are you even talking about the clouds?" asked Zayn.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" asked Marie, the flight attendent.

"Why yes, Marie" said Harry giving her a wink, "I'll have a cheeseburger"

"I'll have what that curly haired boy is having," said Louis winking at her too.

"I'll have a chicken ceaser wrap,"I said.

"I'll have what the idiot flirts in front of me ordered," said Liam.

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz