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The lesson begins and Mr Williams starts on 'how not to get pregnant if you have sex blah blah blah' I wasn't really interested, I knew it all already.

During one part, Chandler turns round and whispers to me.
"Take note eh babe?" He says winking at me.

Take note, what?

"Sure thing." I reply.
I'm still confused, what does he mean? He doesn't like me? Does he?
I completely forget about it, until Mr Williams starts to call out random facts.

"Did you know that 20% of teens..."
"Oh and teenagers nowadays..."

Chandler adjusts the way he is sitting and mocks Mr Williams.
I burst into laughter and Mr Williams faces me sternly.
"Would you like to say something?"
"Not..really." I try to contain my laughter.
"Are you sure?" Mr Williams replies, still facing me.
"Yes I'm-"
Before I finish Chandler interrupts me.
"No sir she does want to say something!" Chandler shouts to the class.

Do I? Wait, no I don't. What is he planning..

"What's that Chandler?" He asks.
"She wants to fuck me." He replies laughing winking at me again.

Oh my gosh. The whole class turns silent and all eyes are on me.
I can feel the blood rushing to my cheek, and I know right now I'm blushing.

"We'll Lauren will take note on today's lesson then won't she?" mr Williams continues facing the whiteboard.
"What are you playing at?" I say slapping his shoulder.

"We share a common interest that's all." He says, smirking.

What does he a mean, a common interest?
Okay, this is weird now, he winks, smirks, flirts with me, thinks I want to have sex with him, what is he playing at?

The lesson seemed to completely drag, and every time Mr Williams asked for us to talk in groups, I knew everyone was talking about me. I just knew it.

"Common interests, what common interests?" I say to Chandler, raising an eyebrow.
"We both know, and anyway you'll find out Friday night." Chandler says, returning to his conversation with some other kid on our table.

I turn around and start to talk to Jodie, one girl in my teaching group.
"So, what's going on with you and Chandler?" She asks.
"Nothing..I think. I'm not sure."
"He obviously likes you." Jodie says, making kissy faces.
"Oh be serious!" I say, exploding into laughter.

At the end of the lesson, it was break, and I went to get some food. Except I wasn't alone, Chandler, of course was right behind me.

That New Boy ~A Chandler Riggs Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now