Cars and Car Crashes

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{Lauren's POV}
Before I knew it, Chandler knew my secret.
My dad raped me.
That sentence just sends shivers my spine, and I'm scared my dad will find out someone knows.

We rush into the car, and my dad still smells of liquor. "Buckle up!" My dad shouts, the words just roll of his tongue.
He slams his foot onto the accelerator and the car speeds up rapidly.
"You disgust me." Chandler spits out all of a sudden.
"What? Me?" My dad says, hysterically laughing.
"Raping your daughter, cause you can't get it up any other woman your own age!" He shouts, and my dad's expressions suddenly fill with rage.

"Well. You told him. Ha, your pathetic." My dad spits out, then he grabs my thighs, grasping hard.
"Ow!" I scream, trying to release his grip but it's no good.

I can just about turn my head to face chandler, but My dad quickly moves my head back. "Please stop." I cry.
The grasp of his hand tightens more, and I can't contain my scream.
It exits my mouth, and I can hear chandler shout out "Stop!"

"Why lover boy? You don't" My dad says, at this point he griped onto my thigh bone.
"No, I don't. Let her go!"

"Why!" My dad shouts out, turning away from the wheel, releasing both his hands from my leg, and the wheel.

I breathe a sigh of release, and breath heavily. My leg had a red handprint left on it, and stung like crazy.

"Because I love her!" Chandler shouts out, unbuckling his belt, and punching my father.

As I face up, I notice our car going in the direction of a ditch.
All at the same time, we face the road, and my dad desperately tries to grab the wheel.

But it's too late.

The car wildly spins out of control, until we hit, front first into a ditch, the car flips, crashes, bangs.

My dad, who had no seatbelt on, was all over the place, but me and chandler remained secure and hopefully alive.

When the car finally stopped, we were roof down, and the smell of gas filled out lungs.

"Chandler?!" I shout. "Dad?!"

That New Boy ~A Chandler Riggs Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now