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        "Liverpool, England! 1975!" The Doctor shouted enthusiastically.

        "At least we aren't in London again." AJ said as she stepped out of the TARDIS.

        "What's so bad about London?" The Doctor asked as they started walking.

        "It's not home to me," AJ said simply and shrugged. It was a windy day, and her long brown hair was falling loose out of her messy bun and across her face. She constantly kept running her long fingers across her face to pull her loose stands behind her ears. "Why are we here now?"

        "I want you to meet some friends of mine." The Doctor smiled at AJ. She gave a puzzled look and brushed some of her hair behind her ear again.

        They continued walking, until they came up to four men, all in shades and hats, some smoking cigarettes.

        "Hello, George, Paul, John, Ringo." The Doctor nodded his head to each of the boys so AJ would know who they each were.

"How'd you know it was us?" Ringo asked surprised.

        "You look..." The Doctor stumbled on his words for a moment before choosing, "Familiar."

        "Do we now?" John asked, flicking away bits of his cigarette.

        "Well yeah, one of the most popular bands in the country, don't you think you're going to look familiar?" The Doctor asked, sticking his hands in his pockets.

        "Wait, wait, band?" AJ asked. John looked over at AJ. She glanced at him for a moment and asked, "Are you The Beatles?"

        "Indeed." John nodded.

        "Great, well this is AJ." The Doctor gestured toward AJ. "AJ, you know them. Can I talk to you?" The Doctor asked, and looked at John, as he was the one standing on the end of the group.

        "I suppose," John said and the Doctor walked away from the others with John and quietly talked to him. AJ watched at first, but then looked back at the boys.

        "What's your name, love?" Paul asked, looking at AJ.

        "He just introduced me a moment ago, weren't you listening?" AJ asked, her French accent seeping into her words unlike before when she was talking to the Doctor.

        "Yes, but what does it stand for?" He asked.

        "Well, I was thinking, the A stood for A, and the J stood for J. You know?" AJ said sarcastically.

        "Are you from France?" George asked, noticing the accent.


        "Where do you live then?" Paul asked.

        "Well, actually, I'm traveling right now." AJ said, brushing another piece of hair out of her face.

        "Are you two together?" Paul motioned his head toward the Doctor.

        "Oh no, no. I'm just traveling with him. He's only a friend." AJ explained. "Do you know him?"

        "Yeah, it was a few years ago last time we saw him, but he hasn't changed a bit." Ringo spoke. "The whole town was running rampant that day. This guy shows up," Ringo threw his thumb back at the Doctor who was deep in conversation with John, "and saves the day with his blue light up thing."

        AJ laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like him."

        "How did you two meet?"

        "He asked me if I was lost, I was, ah, let's say in a bit of a situation, yeah?" AJ asked. "I told him I knew where I was going, I'd lived in France my whole life. I knew the town I was in. He insisted conversation anyway, asking my name and such. I told him Doctor was such a stupid name, but he didn't seem to mind. He let me help him save the day, just like he did in your story, and then he wanted me to travel with him. Persistent little bugger, I tell you."

        AJ nodded, happy with her explanation of how she and the Doctor had met. Just then she had noticed John was back, and the Doctor wasn't.

        "Hold on, where'd he go?" She asked John.

        "Oh he's out and about." John told her, pulling out his pack of cigarettes. "Do you smoke?"

        "No thanks." AJ declined. John slipped his pack back into his pocket after pulling one out for himself. He held the cigarette steady between his lips and pulled out a lighter. With a swift flick of a switch there was a flame to light his cigarette and then he smoked. They all did, actually, as AJ noticed. They all stood there, one of the greatest bands in history, and wasted their life away with a simple drag of the hand. Some people might say how pathetic it was really, but AJ didn't. After all, it wasn't her life that was being wasted.

        "Let's go for a walk. Surely there's something in Liverpool you want to see?" John asked her.

        "Nothing I can think of." AJ said truthfully.

        "In that case, there's lots to see! We'll be off, see you around lads," John told his friends and took AJ's arm, dragging her away.

        "I can walk you know," AJ told him, reclaiming her arm. "Where are we even going?"

        "Where ever you want." John said, taking another drag.

        "Why are you being so nice to me? I hardly know you."

        "I'd like to know you." John looked over at her.

        "No you don't. Aren't you married anyway?"

        "Why wouldn't I want to know you? You seem harmless." John said, ignoring her question.

        "I've got a bad past. I may seem like an asshole, but deep, deep down, I'm probably an even bigger asshole." AJ gave him a wicked grin.

        "Oh trust me you're not the only one darling." He smiled back.

        "What was your childhood like then?" She asked him as they walked down the streets of Liverpool.

        "God awful. That's all. How about you?"

        "Not bad, until my mum died. Then yeah, God awful fits the description." She glanced up at him, but he was already looking back.

        They stopped on the sidewalk and stood in the way of people.

        "You really do seem, like a nice girl, AJ. Why would he leave someone like you?" John asked without thinking. AJ's eyes went wide.

        "He, the Doctor, but," She couldn't speak, she was confused.

        Why had he left?

        "He's not coming back, is he?"

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