In My Life

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"Where to, Doctor?" Rose asked, walking around the TARDIS. "Are we going to see Cleopatra, or what about dinosaurs?" She asked excitedly. The Doctor was about to reply when he got a phone call.

"Hello?" He picked it up.

"Doctor, I need you, I- I-" AJ couldn't go on. Only the Doctor could hear her voice though, the other stared at him as he took the call.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I can't- I didn't mean to, I just," AJ hiccuped. She was trying not to cry, the Doctor could tell.

"Can you come get me? Now?" AJ's voice cracked at her last word.

"Sure, yeah, yeah, it'll be alright. Where are you, what's the date?"

"I'm in," AJ hiccuped again, "France. I can meet you in the same place where you picked me up. Do you remember?"

"Yes, of course I remember." The Doctor said, a bit more quiet, more sincere. "What's the date and time?"

"April 30, 1975. It's 1:25 AM." AJ hiccuped again.

"AM? What are you doing at one in the morning? Are you running away?"

"Doctor," AJ said, and he could tell now was not the time for questions.

"Right, I'm on my way I'll be there before you know it." The Doctor hung up the phone.

"I think we'll see dinosaurs another time." The Doctor said, focused intently on something. "Hold on tight girls!"

"Where are we going?" Lily asked curiously.

"To help your sister," The Doctor said, pulling a lever down and looking over at Lily.


"What do you think?" John asked as him and AJ walked into the apartment in London, England. They had just got off the plane for the tour and the boys had their first show that night.

"It's nice."

"Guess who you get to share a room with?" John smirked.

"Paul?" AJ asked. John stopped smirking.





"No." John said flatly.

"I didn't know Brian was staying with us." AJ smirked.

"Fine you can sleep on the couch." John told her.

"I was kidding."

"I wasn't." John threw her a smirk and walked down the hallway to his room. AJ followed him anyway and put her bag down on the floor by the bedroom door. John laid back on the bed and AJ jumped onto the bed next to him.

"Owe!" John said as AJ landed on the bed.

"Oops." AJ said, letting out a laugh.

John kissed the top of her head. "You coming to the show tonight?"

"Sure." AJ replied.

"Good." John said, brushing AJ's bangs out of her face. AJ broke her gaze from the ceiling and looked at John. He leaned in, grabbed her face, and kissed her. AJ kissed him back and they had to sit up.

"God, guys, get a room." Ringo said, coming in the doorway of the bedroom.

"We're in a room, Ringo. Get out of it if you don't want to watch." John smirked.

"No can do, Brian wants us to start practicing now so we're ready for tonight." Ringo explained.

John groaned, "Fine, I'm coming, I'll be down in a minute." Ringo nodded and left.

John turned back around, "You want to come watch us practice?"

"As boring, I mean, as fun, as that sounds, I'm probably going to take a nap and shower before the show. I'll come down later." AJ told him.

"Alright." John kissed her goodbye, and then left to go downstairs.


A few hours later, AJ woke up and glanced at the clock.

8:30 PM

AJ cursed under her breath and quickly got up. The show started at nine and she still had to shower and get dressed.

Groaning, she stood up and found something at the end of the bed. AJ picked up the note on top of it and read it to herself.

Did I mention it was formal?

I think black's your colour.

xx JWL

It was another black dress, this one strapless and had a pattern at the top, middle, and bottom. AJ shook her head but proceeded to take her shower then put the dress on.

After she put her shoes on, she brushed her teeth quickly to make it down to the lobby just in time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles!"

The show room was already packed and AJ took a seat in the back at a table where it was a bit less crowded. She couldn't exactly see the stage but she only really needed to hear the music anyway.

The first song was a popular one of theirs, I wanna hold your hand. AJ didn't know all the lyrics, but the best was familiar.

A waiter came and offered AJ a drink in which she accepted and by the next song, Twist and Shout, AJ received it.

The boys went on singing more songs and AJ glanced around the place, as she couldn't see the stage.

Finally, after another two drinks and a bunch of other songs, they only had one more song to play before they closed up.

"This one's called, In My Life." John announced.

There are places I remember,

All my life, though some have changed.

Everyone swayed along with the slower song. It was a sad song, yet enjoyable.

With lovers and friends I still can recall.

AJ tilted her head a bit and realised when the crowd moved to the left while they were swaying, she had a clear view of John.

But of all these friends and lovers

There is no one compares with you.

As he sung, John searched the crowd until he locked eyes with AJ. Then, the crowd would sway and the moment was gone. It was sort of like the lines were meant for AJ to hear. Especially because he didn't look back for any other line, even though John knew where she was now. But the thought of John knowing AJ was there, watching him sing, was somewhat comforting. The song seemed to go slower than before after that, like AJ had to wait an eternity to see John up close again. Finally, John ended the song with the last verse and her eternity was over.

In my life, I love you more.

RewrittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora