Baby It's You

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In the bright light of early March, John Lennon reluctantly got up out of his bed. He showered quickly, brushed his teeth, then put on fresh clothes and shoes and made his way downstairs.

AJ sat on a stool in the kitchen, sipping tea from a mug and looking intently at something in her hands. She hadn't heard John coming down the stairs.

"Hey," He kissed the top of her head.

AJ looked up, startled, and quickly shoved what John thought was just some useless piece of junk into her pocket. Luckily, he only had a quick glance at her mobile phone to think it was nothing important. He also didn't have his glasses on, which was good on AJ's part at that time.

"What are you doing up?" AJ asked him.

"Brian wants us down at the studio." John replied, making himself something to drink.

"Oh, right." AJ said, forgetting he had work.

"What are you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep." AJ shrugged.

"How long have you been sitting there?" John glanced at her before going back at whatever he was doing.

"A while. This is my third cup of tea."

"Well would you like some coffee?" John asked.

"Yes, please."

John turned around with two steaming mugs of coffee and handed one to AJ. It was still pretty cold out, but either way AJ was always cold. The mug warmed her hands. John leaned back against the counter, AJ sat on the stool and they drank their coffee in silence. Finally, when all the coffee at the bottom of his mug was gone, John put his mug in the sink and headed out.

"Lennon! Good, you're here." Brian said once John arrived at the studio. Everyone else had arrived prior to John.

"It had been announced to the world that the Beatles are back. It has been strongly requested, and I also think it would be good, to go on a short tour."

Everyone stood silently, taking in the new information.

"Well for now I think it would be better to stay in Europe." Brian said, hoping it would help.

"Are you asking us to go on tour, or telling us we're going on tour?" George asked.

"Well I haven't given a definite yes, so you still have time to decide."

"What about my girlfriend?" John asked quickly.

"I gave AJ a lot of thought, John. I decided I like her. She can come." Brian approved. John nodded. "For the rest of you, I'll need to give an answer by Friday."

It was Monday then, so they had five days to give a final decision. John thought it was a good idea, as long as AJ could come along with him and the rest of the band. He didn't want to go months without seeing her.

They didn't talk about the tour much at all after that. Instead, they practiced their songs and improved anything that needed to be improved. At the end of the day, around eight o'clock, everyone went home.

When John unlocked the door to his house, he opened it to find AJ and Lily sitting on the floor laughing about something. There was also what looked like a five hundred piece jigsaw puzzle spread out in front of them.

"What's so funny?" John asked, sliding the door behind him an hanging his coat up. He joined the two girls on the floor. AJ's laughter subsided, but Lily still sat giggling.

"It's a secret." Lily smiled.

"Oh, is that so?" John asked, raising one eyebrow. Lily nodded. "Well then I guess I'll have to tickle you until you tell me!" John shouted. His hands shot out toward Lily and he tickled her. Lily laughed and laughed until her eyes watered and she couldn't breathe.

"Okay, okay!" She shouted to John. John brought his hands back to his lap. "Your friend looks like a vampire." Lily giggled.

"Who? George?" Lily nodded. "Oh well I don't think he bites. . ." John paused, "hard." He smirked.

Lily screamed. "What if he eats me?!"

"Don't worry! He doesn't eat children! He actually prefers sandwiches." John chuckled.

"Okay good, I don't want him to eat me." Lily told John.

"How about you go wash up for dinner Lily?" AJ asked. Lily nodded and skipped off toward the bathroom to wash her hands.

AJ stood up and made her way over to the kitchen, John following.

"You made dinner?" John asked. AJ nodded. "Smells good."

AJ made up a small plate for Lily and then another plate for John.


"Welcome." AJ said back to John, getting a plate for herself and then sitting down at the table. Lily skipped in afterward. As they ate dinner, John told Lily stories about George almost becoming a vampire and how the other lads still have their suspicions about him. AJ simply laughed. When they had all finished eating they put their plates in the sink.

"Lily, go get ready for bed. I'll be in in a minute to tuck you in." AJ told Lily.

"Okay." Lily gave AJ a quick hug and ran off to the bedroom.

"She's so cute." John said, after Lily had run off.

"Yeah." AJ nodded.

"She's just like you." John smiled a bit.


"Listen," John said, finally able to get it out. "Brian gave us some news today."

"What was it?" AJ asked, telling him to continue.

"He wants us to go on tour." John breathed out.

AJ was silent for a moment. It reminded John of how him and the rest of the band acted when they heard the news.

"That's great, John." AJ said forcing him a small smile.

"AJ, I'm not going to leave you."

"You have to go though." AJ insisted.

"No, you don't understand. I want you to come along." John grabbed her hands.

"John, I-"

"Please?" He asked.

"What about Lily?" AJ asked, her voice low.

"She can stay with your mum, can't she?"

AJ shook her head, no.

"My mum is gone John," AJ said, trying not to have any emotion of hers show. "Lily is my responsibility."

John knew better than to bring up AJ's dad so instead he just nodded. "I understand."

"No, John, you don't," AJ tried to tell him.

Tell him! He needs to know!

AJ's conscious yelled at her. She didn't listen.

"I'm sorry." AJ said, standing. She hesitated before leaving the room and going to tuck Lily in. When she opened the door, she found Lily had already fallen asleep though.

"Goodnight." AJ whispered to Lily. She brushed some hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

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