For No One

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AJ picked Lily up, giving her a piggy back ride as she walked up the front steps to John's house. AJ knocked, knowing John had to be home because his car was parked outside. There were other cars, but AJ couldn't be sure if they were here. The door swung open and George answered.

"AJ!" Good to see you, how have you been?" George let her step inside.

"Fine, thanks." She said.

"Who's this?" Paul asked, standing up from the table. Lily peered out from behind AJ's back.

"Lily, this is Paul. Paul, Lily." AJ introduced. AJ shifted Lily up higher on her back.

"Hi." Lily said to Paul. Her hands were to busy holding onto each other around AJ's neck to wave.

"Hello." Paul grinned to Lily, the small red-head behind AJ.

"Want to get down?" AJ asked Lily.

Lily nodded, "Yes."

"Where's John?" AJ asked, setting Lily down then taking a seat at the table.

"Upstairs, changing out of his suit." Paul said. "Where were you?"

"Out getting Lily." AJ said, watching Paul as he took the seat beside her.

"And Lily is your. .?" Paul waited for AJ to fill in the blank.

"Sister." AJ nodded. Lily looked up at AJ and AJ grinned. Then, AJ spotted John coming down the hall.

"Lily," AJ said. Lily looked up. "That's John," AJ pointed to John down the hall. "Go run up and hug him." AJ grinned.

"Johnny!" Lily shouted after running up to John. Lily hugged John and he took a step back, caught by surprise. Lily looked up at him and grinned before letting him go.

"Who's this?" John asked, walking into the dining room as Lily ran in front of him and back to AJ. John had changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeved, white and maroon striped shirt. AJ stood up and hugged John before pulling back.

"Lily, she's my sister. How'd it go?" AJ said, passing over the topic of Lily.

"It was okay, I'm officially unmarried." John gave a sly smile to AJ. Ringo whistled.

"Well, well, looks like it won't be for long." Paul smirked at John and AJ.

"Shut up." AJ told them.

"You're gonna get married?" Lily screeched.

"No!" AJ picked Lily up, "Never!" AJ shot John a grin and Lily laughed. John put his hands in his pockets and smirked at AJ.

"Well, as sure as you sound AJ, I'll be at the wedding." George winked.

"You guys are pathetic." AJ told them.

"You guys are cute." Paul told them.

AJ sat back down at the table and put her hands, that were covered by her sleeves, over her eyes. John sat down in the seat next to her and hugged her.

"You're too cute." John said softly, his breath warming her ear. AJ shook her head no, making her hair fall out from behind her ear and into her face. Lily came up to AJ and pulled on her leg, getting her attention. AJ moved her hands away from her face, pulling her bangs back in the process.

"I'm tired." Lily told AJ.

"Did you eat?" AJ asked and Lily nodded. "When?"

"Lucy made early dinner before you came." Lily told her.

"Alright, come here." AJ stood up and grabbed Lily's hand, leading her to the guest bedroom that AJ stayed in. When they entered the room, AJ pulled back the covers for Lily.

RewrittenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang