Come Together

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"Want to go out for a drink? Maybe tonight you can drink it and not wear it." John joked, glancing over at AJ at a red light.

"What?" AJ looked up. "Oh, no thanks." AJ rubbed her head. She didn't want to pick up Lily in a drunken state.

"You okay?" John asked. He looked at her until the light turned green, when he had to look back at the road.

"Yeah, fine. I just don't want to pick up Lily when I'm drunk." AJ voiced her thoughts, looking out the window.

"We could always let her stay at Paul's another night." John suggested.

"No." AJ said quickly. "I mean, I don't wanna bother Paul with keeping her there another day." AJ told John, as he looked at her suspiciously.

"Alright." John said, making a right turn onto Paul's street.

They pulled into Paul's driveway and AJ got out of the car, shutting the door behind her.

"I'll meet you back at home, okay?" AJ asked John. He nodded, mumbling an I guess, and pulling out of the driveway.

AJ walked up to the front door and knocked. Heather answered the door and smiled when she saw AJ.

"AJ, come in." Heather beckoned her inside.

"AJ!" Lily shouted, running toward her.

"Hey." AJ smiled wide and caught Lily, bent down, and hugged her. "I missed you." She told Lily. "She was good, right?" AJ asked Heather.

"Yeah, no problem at all." Heather grinned.

"Thanks for watching her, Heather. I really appreciate it." AJ thanked her.

"It's fine, really."

"Lily, go get your stuff." AJ told the young blonde, who in returned nodded and bounced up the stairs.

"She looks just like you." Heather smiled. AJ nodded.

"Thanks, I guess."

Lily came back down the stairs a minute later, carrying her bag. AJ took the bag from Lily and carried it for her.

"Tell your mum and dad I said thanks, Heather." AJ said before leaving.

"Will do!"

"AJ?" Lily asked when they got out to the sidewalk and started walking back to John's house.

"Yes, Lily?" AJ looked down at Lily.

"How long do we keep playing this game? It's getting boring." Lily told her.

"No, no keep playing, Lily. We still have a long while." AJ told Lily, who nodded.



The next day John had left to go get Julian and Paul came over to keep AJ and Lily company. He was also there to wait for John to come back with Julian.

Lily woke up extremely early and ended up taking a nap, and that left Paul and AJ alone in the kitchen.

"You look tired." Paul observed.

"Thanks." AJ shot him a glare. "Lily was keeping me up all night." She leaned on her chin, her elbow holding her up.

"We should make dinner, for when John gets back with Julian." Paul suggested.

"You know how to cook?" AJ raised her eyebrows.

"I meant you should make dinner." Paul admitted.

"It's still afternoon." AJ said.

"Well I was hoping you knew how to make soup. Julian used to love it, but it takes a while to make." Paul told her.

"Alright," AJ got up, fixed her shirt, and went to the fridge. She opened it up and pulled out a two long carrots, an onion, a few sticks of celery, and a couple other things.

"You brought all this over, didn't you?" AJ asked, her voice hinting a smile. Paul couldn't see her though, her back was toward him and she was facing the fridge.


"You're too nice, Paul." AJ shook her head and spared Paul a glance, smiling. Paul didn't respond, just watched as she got out a bowl, filled it with water, and put it to boil. She got out a cutting bored and started to chop the onion and then the celery. Once the water boiled, she threw them in and started on the carrots.

"Where'd you learn how to cook?" Paul asked curiously, watching her cut up the carrots.


"My mum."


"Was she a cook or something?"

"This one won't cut," AJ said as she forcefully pressed the blade to the thick end of the carrot.

"Careful." Paul told her.

The blade slipped and went straight into AJ's palm. She inhaled sharply and let out a wince in pain.

"AJ! I said careful!" Paul said, running over behind the counter. He grabbed her wrist and examined her hand. AJ gagged and looked the other way.

"The blade slipped." AJ told him.

"You're bleeding." Paul informed her.

"I know!" AJ shouted. "Make it stop bleeding!"

"Well I wasn't the one who stuck a blade in my hand!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Sorry, come here." Paul took her other hand and let her to the bathroom downstairs. He washed her hand off in the sink. The water was dyed by the colour of her blood. AJ turned around to look and gagged again. She put her good hand to her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked.

"No, no, not okay." AJ squeezed her eyes shut.

Paul held her cut hand lightly in his.

"It's fine, it's not to bad." Paul assured her. "But it's pretty deep, you should go to the hospital."

"No, no way in hell, Paul." AJ said, opening her eyes to give him warning eyes.

"You're hurt."

"The hospital will only make it worse." AJ shook her head.

"They'll make you all better." Paul assured.

"The first time I went to the hospital when I was sick, I passed out. The second, I threw up and then passed out. I don't want to go to the hospital."

"Don't throw up." Paul told her.

"Don't let me see the blood." They locked eyes.

"John would want you to go to the hospital."

"Oh my gosh I forgot all about John! Paul, you can't tell John!"

Paul was the one to look away. He opened the mirror and found gauze to wrap her hand in.

"There, no more blood." Paul looked back at AJ, but she looked down to her hand, her palm all wrapped with gauze.

"Please don't tell." AJ asked of him.

"Why not?"

"He doesn't need to worry about me, he has his son coming over. I shouldn't intrude on that."

Paul though about it, but before he could respond, AJ's eyes got wide.

"Crap!" She bolted of the bathroom and to the kitchen. The soup was still there, at a boil. "Oh, thank God." AJ said relived. The soup always had to take time to boil anyway.

"It's okay?" Paul asked, coming into the kitchen. AJ nodded. "You can't cook, so you're going to have to tell me how to do it."

"I have a good feeling about this." AJ laughed and sat down on one of the bar stools. This way she could see what Paul was doing and instruct him.


A/N: This book literally sucks and is from forever ago and that's why the updates are slow. I also didn't edit this... 

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