From Me To You

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"Eat." AJ instructed. Lily picked up her spoon and reluctantly put the cereal in her mouth.

"Why can't I have pancakes?" Lily whined.

"Because, I don't want to make a mess. Cereal is easier." AJ told her, putting her own bowl in the sink and washing it out.

Lily blew her bangs out of her face in frustration. "Fine." She ate another spoonful. AJ put her bowl away, back in the cabinet after washing it.

"Thank you." AJ told Lily, coming over to her and kissing the top of her head. AJ ruffled Lily's mop of curly blonde hair before sitting down in the seat next to her. Once Lily was finished eating, AJ took her bowl, washed it, and put it away.

"If I take a shower, will you not get into trouble?" AJ asked Lily.

"I won't get into any trouble at all." Lily grinned.

"Good." AJ said, before going into the guest bedroom. She laid out clothes for when she got out before going into the bathroom and getting her shower.

Lily went back into the bedroom after getting bored in the dining room and sat down on the bed, looking at the clothes AJ had out. She had a pair of black leggings and a long white shirt with long sleeves. Lily picked up AJ's black bag and rummaged through it before finding a pair of maroon coloured leggings instead. Grinning, she switched the black leggings for the more colourful ones. When she put the black ones back in AJ's bag though, she found AJ's smartphone. Curiously, Lily pulled it out of the bag and flipped it around in her hands, examining it. Hearing the shower turn off, Lily went to put the phone back in the bag when it vibrated in her hands. Turning the phone over, Lily saw AJ was getting a call.

John told AJ a while back he needed a way to get in touch with her, so she gave him her number. Of course, AJ never showed John her cellphone, for he would be confused on why it looked so different from any phone. Luckily, John never asked AJ why she had a phone of her own. For all AJ knew, John probably thought AJ had an old telephone with wires and all, stuffed inside her rucksack just like everything else she brought with her.

Lily didn't know any better, and so she put her finger on the screen and slid it across, answering the call. She answered, putting the phone up to her ear.


"Hey, AJ, is that you?" John asked on the other end of the phone.

"No," Lily giggled, "this is Lily."

"Can I talk to AJ, Lily?" John asked nicely.

"No." Lily giggled more.


"What's the password?" She asked. AJ then came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Lily? What are you doing?" AJ asked. Lily turned around and pulled the phone from her ear, quickly hitting the end button and tossing the phone on the bed.

"Nothing." Lily bit back a smile.

"Lily, do not lie. Do you understand?" AJ sounded stern. Lily nodded. AJ picked up her phone and called John back.

"Hello?" John answered.

"Hey, sorry, I was in the shower Lily answered the phone then hung up. What did you need?" AJ asked, talking quickly.

"You sound French." John said, with an obvious smile on his face as he said it.

"I am French." AJ said, a bit slower this time, her accent not as thick.

"Well, you should bring you and your French accent, and Lily, down to a café around town for lunch." John told her.

"You want me to talk like this for lunch?" AJ asked with an obvious French accent.

"That's not what I meant, but either way, as long as you're there."

"We'll come. Where is it?" AJ asked.

After telling her the address, John hung up and AJ put her phone in her bag. She went over and shut the door, about to get dressed. Lily had wandered out of the room after AJ picked up the phone, probably getting bored. AJ noticed the legging switch Lily made, but didn't bother to change it, and put them on with her white shirt anyway. She put on her black socks and stuck her arm in her bag looking for shoes other than her converse. With luck, AJ found a pair of brown lace-up boots that came up to halfway under her knee. She put them on and tied them, before opening the door and finding Lily.

"Come on, you have to get dressed, we're meeting John for lunch." AJ told Lily, bringing her back to the bedroom.

"Alright." Lily said, picking up her bag and putting it on the bed. "Can you pick my clothes?" She asked AJ.

"Sure." AJ told her and sat down on the bed, unzipping her bag. AJ pulled out a pair of black leggings for Lily, and a pink, long sleeved shirt. Lily put on the leggings, then had AJ help her pull the shirt over her head.

AJ got out a pair of socks for Lily, then a pair of pink boots that Lily had packed away. Lily put her boots on and AJ brushed Lily's hair and put it into short pigtail braids. AJ left her own hair down. Lily put on a light coat AJ made her wear, and AJ put on her green army jacket before they left the house.

AJ locked the door behind them and put the key in her coat pocket. John had finally given AJ a key to the house, as he did not want her to get locked out again.

The café was not very far from the house, and took less than ten minutes to get to.

"Hey," John greeted after they entered the café and sat down across from him in the booth he sat in.

"Hey." AJ returned the greeting.

A waiter came around and they ordered some sandwiches, getting that out of the way.

"There's something I have to tell you about." John told AJ.

AJ raised her eyebrows, "Do tell."

"Brian, our manager, loved the idea of us getting back together, as I told you yesterday, and wants to throw a party. He thinks you should come." John spoke.

AJ stayed quiet for a moment, debating on what to say. Finally, she decided to ask, "You told him about me?"

"Well no, Paul let it slip. Then I had to tell him. He wants to meet you now."

"I guess I'll go," AJ said slowly.

"Can I come?" Lily piped up.

"You get to do something even more fun." John said, giving Lily a grin.

"Tell me!" Lily jumped up in her seat.

"You get to have a play date with Paul's daughter, Mary. She's just about your age." John told her.

"Really?" Lily asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Really." John grinned. "It can be a gift, from me to you." Lily couldn't be happier at that moment, with a smile that could make anyone's day. AJ gave John an approved look, to which he smirked at. Although Lily was happy, AJ had her suspicions about the party.

A/N: This was a LONG overdue update. Sorry! I've been busy! Love you all x

P.S. Sorry for any typos.

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