Another Girl

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Beware: Unedited


        There was lots of yelling the next day. The snow had melted overnight, enough for Yoko to come home. AJ called Paul and he picked her up, leaving through the back door, as she couldn't stand the shouting any longer. AJ wouldn't tell Paul what happened, or why. Secretly, AJ thought Paul was a little happy about John finally realising how terrible Yoko was. When they arrived at Paul's house AJ silently followed Paul inside, her black rucksack on her shoulders. Paul led her to the kitchen and the two ate sandwiches for lunch.

        "You aren't going to tell me what happened, are you?" Paul asked after they finished eating.

        AJ looked up at the wall and sadly shook her head.

        "Come here, I'll take you to the guest room upstairs." Paul motioned with his hand for AJ to follow. She grabbed her rucksack and followed Paul up the stairs and down to almost the end of the hall. Forward was apparently a bathroom and to the right was the guest room.

        This guest room, unlike the one AJ stayed in at John's house, had windows. She could see the soft snow fall.

        "Thanks." AJ told Paul, putting her bag on the floor by the head of the bed then sitting down on top of the bed. Paul came inside the room, and sat on the bed, leaving the door open some.

        "AJ," Paul asked pleadingly for her to tell him.

        "I don't know Paul." AJ took her eyes from the window to him. "I don't know why he started yelling at Yoko. They were talking at first, upstairs where I couldn't see them. Eventually John started shouting and that's all I could hear. I don't know what made him crack, what made him yell, please stop asking." AJ looked at Paul, hoping he would let her off with just that.

        "Sorry." Paul said after a moment, "You're right, you can't know why he started shouting." Paul gave her a half smile, almost as if to tell her things would get better. Then, Paul stood up an exited the room, leaving the door open.

        AJ unzipped her black jacket and pulled it off. Underneath she wore a long sleeved striped white and navy blue shirt. She kept her fists inside the long sleeves, as the end of the sleeve was thicker for cold weather like today.

        AJ sat on the bed, and looked out the window, watching the snow fall. The room she was in was in the back of the house, where you could look out into the city and see the cars passing by. She stared down at the snow, and at the cars for a while, until Paul came back, hours later.

        "Dinner is ready, want to come down and eat?" Paul asked. AJ turned her head from the window.

        "I'll be down in a minute, thanks." She told him. Paul nodded and left to go back downstairs.

        Quickly, AJ pulled out her mobile and looked up Paul McCartney's children. She found five, two not born yet. That meant she would most likely be greeted by three new, young, faces when she went downstairs. AJ put her phone back in her bag and made her way downstairs to the dining room. There, she saw Paul, Linda, and two young girls, as she expected to see.

        "AJ, good to see you." Linda smiled, making AJ smile back. She took a seat next to Linda at the end of the table. She didn't sit at the head of the table, she didn't want to feel out of place more than she already did.

        The youngest girl, sat next to Linda, the next oldest sat to Paul's right. There was an open seat to Paul's left and AJ knew it had to belong to the oldest girl.

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