A Day In The Life

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A/N: It's 12:05 where I am, how's that for an update lovelies?


"The lovely AJ, everyone." John said, smirking as AJ and John walked up toward the other boys. They were still in the same place as before they left.

"And the teddy boy Lennon, everyone." AJ gave a fake sweet smile back. Everyone but John chuckled a bit and Paul threw his arm around John.

"Always was known as one in school," Paul commented. "Who were you known as then? You look like you should be finishing up school still." Paul asked AJ.

"I was known as the, stay-away-from-her-she'll-flip-you-if-you-get-to-close, girl." AJ said.

"That's- well- interesting." Paul said.

"Did you have any friends then?" George asked this time.

"Well I wasn't that girl," AJ said. "I hav-I had friends." She corrected herself. She was in a different time period, would they still count as her friends?


"Have, I guess. I don't talk to them often." AJ shrugged.

All the sudden there was a loud scream and all of their heads turned toward the sound.

"Run!" They all said and before AJ could even think, John had taken her hand and they were all running.

Luckily, AJ could run quickly and had no trouble keeping up. They turned a corner and another and another. AJ no longer had to brush her hair out of her face, as the wind pushed it back behind her.

Suddenly, after a few twists and curves around multiple streets, the boys came to a stop. John having been holding AJ's hand, made AJ stop too.

"Your quick on your feet." John said.

"Yeah, faster than you, Lennon." AJ pulled her hand away. Her hair had fallen out of a bun running and she ran her fingers through it. Then it hit her. She was in 1975, and The Beatles had broken up already. "Wait, if the band is broken up, why've you still got fans on your tail?"

"Some people just can't get enough of us." Paul smirked.

AJ rolled her eyes and noticed they were in front of a large house.

"This yours?" She asked. Paul nodded.

"It's... Nice." AJ commented.

They walked up the driveway and Ringo unlocked the door and held it open for everyone.

AJ stepped inside the house stunned. Everything was what AJ assumed a normal house would have, but bigger.

"Never seen a house before?" John smirked. AJ glared, coming out of her amazement.

"No, not like this."

"I tried to make it seem more, well, average I suppose." Paul said. George went off to the kitchen and Ringo down the hall. Paul and John walked out of the foyer and into the main living room.

"Excuse us for a moment." Paul said, before walking deeper into the room.

AJ stood around waiting for them to come back.

"Why's she here?" Paul said once AJ was out of earshot.

"She needs us." John said back.

"Why? She looks perfectly capable of living on her own!"

"Well if you don't want her," John smirked.

"Not what I was saying."

"Trust me on this one." John said, becoming serious.

"For how long?" Paul asked. John grinned and started to walk away.

"John!" Paul shouted after him, following. He dropped the subject after seeing AJ standing awkwardly in the middle of the room looking around. In her mind though, she was in a daze.

Why had the Doctor left her here?

She was in the future, nothing to do, no one she knew.

I might mess up the future.


At that moment AJ decided to betray the Doctor. She felt so empty that it only seemed right to her and she didn't spend another minute thinking about it. She pulled out her Android and turned it on. It was a present from the Doctor from her last birthday. He had gotten it in 2010, AJ had to be taught how to use it.

According to her handy device that wouldn't be released for quite a while, John Lennon was supposed to be expecting a child from his wife, Yoko Ono, on October 9th of this year. AJ's first step was to make sure John and Yoko's child was never born- and it just so happened to be January 4th, almost nine months before October 9th.

All she needed to do was get John to find someone else to fall in love with. But who?

"AJ, did you hear me?" A voice said. It was Paul.

"Uh, no, sorry." AJ said sheepishly, brushing her bangs to the side and discreetly slipping her phone into her pocket. She looked for a trace on Paul's face that showed he had seen her phone, but there wasn't one.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Yeah, thanks." She said easily, taking a seat on the couch, keeping her rucksack on.

"I'll be a moment then," Paul said, leaving AJ to her thoughts. The room was now empty, John had seemed to also go away, most likely while AJ was zoned out.

Then, what only felt like seconds to AJ after Paul left, the door opened revealing a blonde woman who looked to be in her early thirties. She didn't notice AJ at first but as soon as she put her stuff down and took her coat off by the front door, she turned around to face her.

"What are you doing here?" The woman spoke. AJ could detect a hint of worry, along with confusion.

Before AJ could answer, Paul walked back in to the room with tea. "Hello, Linda." Paul smiled, set the tea down, then gave the woman a kiss.

"Paul," Linda gave a tight smile and nodded to AJ, "who's this?"

"My name is AJ, " AJ stood up, "pleasure, Linda." You could hear the French accent of her's seeping into her words as she spoke to Linda. It wasn't the same accent she used to speak with the boys.

"You too." Linda said, nodding.

"AJ is," Paul thought about it for a moment, "just staying till John comes back."

"Doesn't Yoko live with John?" AJ asked. Paul nodded. "Then no way in hell I'm staying with John."

"You have to." Paul told her.

"I don't have to do anything, McCartney." AJ glared.

"You aren't staying here. John signed you up for this, you're staying at his house."

"Signed up for what?" AJ asked, standing. "I didn't ask to be here!"

"Well you are and you're John's responsibility!"

"Who's my responsibly?" John said, walking through the doorway.

"Her." Paul pushed AJ toward John. AJ, in return, stumbled.

"Her? She's easy." John smirked.

"Am not." AJ scoffed. "Give me a few drinks."

"Not in my house, out." Paul said, shooing them out.

"Awe, McCartney," AJ teased, sticking her tongue out. She and John left though, going to John's house.

AJ was quiet the ride back until John spoke.

"So, we still on with those drinks?" John looked over at AJ.

AJ looked over at John till their eyes locked, "Sure."

Then, she turned her head away again.


A/N: Updates every other week?

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