Chapter 16

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The first day of classes was alright for Yoongi, nothing new for him. He had some repeat teachers and the new one he did have was pretty chill. He figured he'd have a nice final semester in college. Basketball practice really wore him out, and as soon as it was over he went back to his dorm room, awaiting his best friend's arrival to save him from his own boredom. He didn't have any homework to do, thank the lord– and he really had nothing to complain about, which was extremely rare. There was usually always something there for him to bitch about. His coach didn't give him a hard time despite leaving the team for a while– but he wasn't too sure about the niceness, maybe he'd get the blow up later.

He took a shower and plopped down on his couch, picking up the book he had been claiming he wanted to finish– and quite frankly he didn't even want to read it. In fact, he hadn't even started it. It was just something random he picked up in order to look busy when Jimin came out of his room. And with the thought of Jimin he couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto his face. He was really cute, even if he only managed to make a fool out of himself most of the time. He wondered for the millionth time how long he'd keep it up before he gave up. It hadn't been too long, so he decided he'd let it play out a bit more before actually doing anything.

Hoseok finally arrived from dance practice an hour or so later and waved at Yoongi with a small "hey" before immediately making his way to the shower.


"So why'd you do it?" Hoseok questioned, nudging Yoongi's side.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"A certain somebody came to me trying to return some pants." He laughed, wiggling his eyebrows.

Yoongi tried to keep a straight face, shrugging. "Just wanted to mess with him I guess." He stated, referring to how he said Hoseok was responsible for finding him instead of himself.

Hoseok slapped his arm, gasping dramatically. "You are interested in him, you ass." Yoongi just shrugged again in response. "You're not denying it now."

"He's just-"

"Cute, yes I know, he's cute. You're into weirdos or something."

"Not necessarily."

"Weirdos who have nice asses, then."

"Anyways," He ignored the comment. "He told Hayoung we were dating."

"He must've been drunk."

"Shitfaced. Lightweight apparently." He sighed. "She won't believe that we're not together now."

"Yikes, hopefully she doesn't tell anybody."

"She won't, she's not like that." The two stayed silent for a moment.

"Jimin is pretty persistent." Hoseok brought the topic up again.

"Like I said, I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing the last of him any time soon." The older of the two rolled his eyes.

Hoseok couldn't help but feel bad for Taehyung. He had no choice now but to root for Yoongi. He started to think of a plan to distract Tae in order to let Yoongi have more time with Jimin. Everywhere Jimin went, Tae went too and that needed to stop. As Yoongi's professional wingman, it was his job to help out, especially since Yoongi hadn't been interested in anyone in ages.

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