Snape, Snape, Severus Snape

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The Slytherin girls deserve a medal.

Hell, they deserve their own trophy room.

Dray was throwing another fit, screaming and throwing pillows.

She had never been taught how to deal with her anger as a child, and had always had terrible tantrums.
She didn't remember it, but as young as three years old she would kick house elves when she didn't get her ways.
Of course, her father influences hadn't exactly helped with that.

"W-why!?" She choked on her tears. "Why do I have to SCREW EVERYTHING UP!" She screamed, throwing smothering pillow and falling down onto her bed in despair, sobbing into her hands.

One of the girls ran out and went to get help, as they all knew that Dray would pretty much self-destruct, and had very unhealthy emotional problems, as her father had taught her to repress them her whole life.

Daphne Greengrass, the girl who had went for help, was going to get Snape originally, but decided that this was a problem for a women to handle.

She ran all the way to the Gryffindor common rooms and ran into Mcgonnagle.

"Professor-Slytherin girls dorm- Dray-blew up-please come help-" she panted, exhausted from all the running.

Mcgonnagle sighed, knowing exactly what Daphne meant. They had had a similar problem in thirds year when Drays mother couldn't come to school and visit her after the Hippogriff attack, causing the girl to throw a massive fit and brake vases, even throwing things at other student.

Mcgonnagle and Daphne rushed back to the Slytherin dorms and ran in, just to see Dray sobbing violently into her pillow, kicking her legs and stamping her feet on her mattress.

Mcgonnagle walked in and sat down next to her. "Miss Malfoy...." She said, turning her head as Snape also walked quickly into the room.

"What in the name of Merlin is going on here?" He drawled angrily.

Mcgonnagle sighed. "What do you think, Severus?" She motioned to the hysterical girl.

They both sighed and Snape cast a calming spell on her, cashing the frantic kicking and stamping to slow down and the sobs to quiet.

Dray sat up and wiped her face of the still falling tears with her sweater sleeve.

"G-go away!" She screamed.

"Miss Malfoy, you need to settle down-"

"SHUT. UP!" She shrieked and choked on a sob.

"Miss Malfoy!" Snape snapped and walked forward quickly. "That will be enough of this reckless and childish behavior. You should be ashamed of yourself to be seen like this, acting like a child. Fix yourself this instant."

Mcgonnagle sighed and left the room, knowing she could no longer do anything more.

Severus made all the others girls leave the dorm, and sat down next to his god daughter.

"Draconia...." He said, rubbing his temples.

She clung to his arms in a desperate hug, needing somebody to be there for her.

"What in the name of good god happened to cause this?"

"H-Harry!" She sobbed into him, soaking his robes, causing him to frown even more.


"I-I'm his girlfriend! Well-I was... I don't know if he wants me anymore-I-I messed up!"

Severus pinched the tip of his nose.
"Dracona.... you-....are dating Mister Potter?"

She nodded and sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

"I finally-I was happy! I was happy uncle Severus!" She whimpered desperately.

Severus sighed. "Come here." He hugged his god daughter, and she hugged him tightly.

"Everything is going to be okay. to him later. Trust me."

Dray sniffled and nodded. "O-okay-" she whispered softly.

Yawning, exhausted from her tantrum, she curled up and slowly fell asleep, and Severus placed her under her blanket and kissed her forehead, smiling gently at her before quietly leaving the room, his hard, intimidating exterior back.

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