chapter 1

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I started getting ready at 8:45p.m. to catch my plane to the UK. I trudged into the shower and cranked the heat up. The hot water poured on my head and ran down my body. I massaged the shampoo through my mid-length brown hair. I finished up and got out. I dried myself off and slipped on a pair of black leggings and a v-neck tee shirt. I brush through my hair and braid it down my back. I brush my teeth and wash my face to wake me up. Tonight’s the first time I travel without my parents. My stomach twists and I feel a slight nerve. I shake it off and stuff my personal belongings in a bag. As I’m double checking that I have everything for the three weeks I’ll be gone, my phone vibrates. It’s Felicia, my best friend, and now my travel partner. 

Felicia is hott:Hey! Me and my mom are outside so if you could come out...that’d be great! 

Crap. I forgot they were picking me up. I grab my bag and run downstairs. My mom’s standing by the open door, waving to Felicia’s mom. She had my suitcase in hand and her eyes looked red and puffy, like she’d been crying. My mom is a really protective and emotional person, so she had a hard time letting me go to London without her. After my dad left us, she hasn’t been herself. Even though it’s been two years, she still sometimes sits staring out the window for none-stop hours. I’m kind of scared to leave her alone for three weeks, but I think it’ll give her time to find someone new. As for me, I’ll be having the time of my life with my best friend, halfway across the world. Two teenage girls, both single in London, England...sparks could fly.

“Oh honey. I’m going to miss you so much” my mom squealed while pressing a tissue to her nose.

“Mom, it’s okay. I’m almost 17, and Felicia is 17. We’ll be fine.”

“I know sweetheart, but,” she pulled me into a huge hug. “I just remember when you were just a child and wouldn’t go anywhere without me. And now you’re going across the world.”

“Mom, it’s only three weeks! I’ll be fine, and this will give you time to meet someone.”

“Alyssa, you know I'm not ready for this yet!” she protested.

“Mom! You haven’t been ready for the last two years!” I heard Felicia’s mom honk the car horn twice. I checked my iPhone, 10:15p.m. Our plane left at 12:00a.m. “Mom, I really have to go! I’ll miss my plane if I don’t get a move on!”

“Oh! Yes, of course!” she kissed my forehead and gave me one more bear hug. “I love you darling.”

“Love you too, mom!” I shouted halfway up the driveway. I shoved my giant suit case into the car trunk, next to an even bigger one. Felicia was the “fashion consultant” of the two of us. She always matched everything. There was never a hair out of place on her head. At every mirror, she was straightening her shirt or pulling her jeans down so they fit in all the right places. Felicia was really popular in our school. She knew almost everyone, and everyone knew her. She was on the cheer squad, and she’s dated every football player in our grade. To be honest, I envied her. I always wanted to be the popular girl who everyone likes and is jealous of. Sure we were friends, and i’ve had my share of football players, but it’s not the same. She seemed so secure and relaxed. Conversation came so easily to her. While I stuttered with each word. I couldn’t talk to people properly. I made everything awkward. Hopefully, i’ll loosen up in these upcoming weeks.

“Hi. Thanks for the ride. You’re doing my mom a huge favor. Oh and sorry for the wait.” I said, blushing because my mom had embarrassed me.

“No problem, sweetie. It’s easier to carpool anyways, because there’s no waiting at the airport and getting lost. Oh Felicia has something to show you.”

“What is it?” I asked, leaning around the font seat to see her. She turns her head and I catch my breath. She cut her hair and died it a darker shade of brown then mine.

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