chapter 12

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Heyy... so sorry about the long wait!!!! I had exams and had to study....gosh they were kindda hard... but now its SUMMER!!!!!! Wooooo hoooo!!!!!

This is probably one of the few times I'll switch POV's in this story. Really great song in the side bar!!!!! It gave me insiration for like almost this whole story!!! Also there's a picture of Alyssa.

Vote, comment, fan!!!! I love you guys!!!



“Mmmmmm this is amazing!” I said with a mouthful of chicken. Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry laughed. Danielle and Liam got their own table. Harry and I were offered one but chose to sit with the boys. I shoveled another fork full in my mouth.

“Niall I think you have some competition.” Louis nudged Niall in the arm with his elbow. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl eat as much as you.” He looked at me. I tried to smile, but had huge piece of salad in my mouth.

“Oh that’s attractive.” Harry muttered shaking his head.

“You know you love me.” The words slipped out with not enough sarcasm, and I regretted it. All the boys gave me warming smiles and Harry kissed my cheek.

“I know I do.” he went back to eating. Crap, what have I done! He’s not supposed to love me back...wait I’m not supposed to love him. We’re both just going to get hurt. I was frozen in place. Eyes focused on a point on the wall, but I couldn’t see it. My train of thought had taken control.

“You okay Alyssa?” Zayn asked. I heard him but at the same time I didn’t.

“Hello?” Louis waved his big hand in front of my face. A shiver ran up my spine and shook me back to reality. 

“Hmm?” Suddenly all my food caught in my esophagus. I didn’t feel sick, I was just really dry and hard to swallow.

“He asked if you were okay. You stopped eating and like froze.” Niall recapped.

“Oh.” was all I could barely croak out. Now I really did feel sick. Great, I over ate and too fast. I felt all the color drain from my face.

“Alyssa...” Harry lightly touched my arm.

“I need some air.” I rose and quickly walked out. I pushed the back door and took some deep breaths. I fanned my face to get a slight breeze. It took a few minutes but I felt better. The door opened and I looked over. Danielle came out looking worried.

“Hey, you feeling better.” she came over to me. I gave her a weak nod and fake smile. “Well we’re leaving now. So you should come with us.”

“Already?” I asked kind of surprised.

“Yeah, it’s already nine. You’ve been out here for like half an hour.”

“Really? It’s felt like five minutes.” I shrugged and we walked back to the front door where the boys were waiting. Harry looked at me, concern in his eyes and pulled me towards his warm body. I snuggled my head into his neck.

“Alyssa, you’re icy cold.” he said and rubbed my arm. I didn’t realize it but I was shivering.

“You’re going to break your teeth if they keep chattering like that.” Liam said and patted my back.

“Let’s just go back to the car.” Harry said and led me there, arms protectively holding me and keeping me warm. We said bye to the boys as Harry, Louis and I got into Harry’s car. The others were getting rides with Paul.

“So where are we heading?” Louis asked and banged on the steering wheel like it was a drum.

“Our flat?” Harry asked Louis, but was looking at me.

“Great idea. I think it’s time you saw the place love.” Louis said and looked through the rear view mirror. I smiled.

“Sounds good to me.” a shiver ran through me and it made Harry jump.

“Lou, turn the heat up.” Harry said and wrapped his arms even tighter around my shoulder. Louis turned the heat higher and soon the car got really warm and comfy. It was a pretty short ride. Only around ten minutes. We got to their flat and entered. It was really fancy and big. The first thing I noticed was piano in the corner. I walked over and ran my fingers along the top.

“Why is this here? I thought neither of you played.” I asked the two boys.

“I thought you weren’t one of those creepy fan girls who knows everything about us.” Louis said with a smirk.

“I’m not—spending time with Felicia—I—eh—learn things.” Okay, so maybe I did a little, ‘research’. But the world doesn’t have to know.

“We don’t play but it’s fun to just like hit a few keys, make some noise.” Harry explained. “Want some tea?”

“Sure, thanks.” Harry walked off to the kitchen, which was across the room from the living room, where I was. The whole floor was like a huge room. With a couch separating the two rooms. Beside the kitchen was a hall that lead, I’m guessing to their rooms. Louis walked down the hall and went in the first door on the left. I casually sat on the piano bench, but couldn’t help myself. I lifted the cover, to reveal an almost new set of keys. I did a few random notes, then actually started playing my favorite song, Touch. I started singing along, without knowing. I felt the presence of someone else and looked to my right. I jumped when I saw Harry leaning against the wall holding a cup of steaming tea.

“Ah. Harry. How long have you been here?” I asked shyly.

“Long enough to know that you have the most amazing voice in the world.” he answered. Harry walked over to couch and set he tea on the mahogany coffee table. “Sing that song again. It was really nice.” he said with a smile. I shifted uncomfortably before starting. I got through most of it, but when I got to the point I couldn’t play, I didn’t risk messing up and humiliating myself in front of Harry Styles.

“That’s all I can play.” I said with a blush. Harry just looked at me with wide happy eyes. “Here, this how it’s supposed to sound.” I found the song on my phone and let it play.

Harry stood and stuck his hand out for me. I gingerly took it and rose. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. We danced along to the whole song. I knew the words by heart, so when it was coming to the end, I mouthed along to the last line. Don’t fall in love with me. Making it look like I was just singing along, but meaning so much more. Harry looked at me with his gorgeous eyes, before leaning in. With out doubts, I did the same. It was a good five minutes before Louis let out a groan.

“Please children.” Louis said after he took a sip of tea.

“What the hell Lou?” Harry and I snapped simultaneously. We looked at each other and laughed.

“Yeah, um bye. Don't make too much noise with whatever you kids do these days.” Louis slipped back to what must be his room. Harry flopped down on the couch and I followed.

He let out a laugh. I looked up at him curiously. “What?”

“Louis face when we snapped at him.” I smiled and laughed too.

You were so shocked when you saw him.” I poked Harry’s cheek. I leaned my head in his lap and stretched my legs out.

“So were you!” he smiled at me and poked my nose. I let out a giggle. We talked for a while. Maybe like two hours, and eventually, I fell asleep in Harry’s lap. 

Harry’s POV:

She looked so cute snuggled up and asleep. The clock started ringing out 12 and I got scared that she would wake up. Thankfully she didn’t. I really should’ve gotten her back to the hotel, but she seemed so peaceful and comfortable. I’ll wake her up in an hour. I thought.

I sat there, listening to her soft and steady breathing, brushing occasional strands of hair that would fall in her face. What I wouldn’t give for her to just be mine. My eye lids started fluttering closed. I leaned my head back and fell asleep to the sound of her rhythmic beat of her breath.

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