chapter 9

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Sorry about the long update. I've had a lot of school work to tend to... but I got the chapter up :)



It was already 3 o’clock when we left the restaurant where we had stopped for lunch. I was having a great time. The boys had taken me all around and they were great fun to be around. We were walking out of the restaurant, our bellies full. I smiled to myself thinking of how Felicia would react if she saw me now. Her arms would be swinging in all directions and she’d be screaming her head off, like when her brother goes into her room. I giggled lightly. Liam turned around to look at me.

“Pull your shirt down young missy.” he commanded and pointed at the bottom of my spaghetti-strap. I looked down and sure enough, the bottom had risen past my belly button.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“You’re too young to be showing that much skin.” he said. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

“Who are you to be telling me what I can and can’t do?”

“Because he’s “Daddy Direction”!” Louis sang from a few feet in front of me. I laughed. 

“Is that some other thing the Tumblr girls came up with?” I didn’t understand why they would spend so many hours stalking these boys. But then again, I couldn’t understand why I didn’t spend so many hours stalking them.

“No, we came up with that one.” Zayn said. “But they gave Harry’s and Louis’ couple name, Larry Stylinson.” Couple name? They were dating?

“Wa—wait.” I grabbed Harry and Louis’ arms. “You mean you guys” I asked. To be honest, my heart sank. I didn’t want Harry to be gay. I said I wasn’t falling for him, but it was something I couldn’t stop. All the boy burst out laughing. Niall had to grab onto a random car we were passing to steady himself. I was completely confused.

“No, love. They just have a very intense bromance.” Liam explained. I was still pretty confused. Harry came up to me and engulfed me into a huge hug. He laughed into my hair. I looked around at the other boys for some more of an explanation. Nothing. Niall was now on the ground holding his stomach. Liam was laughing at either me or Niall. Louis was bent over a metal fence from laughter and Zany was beside Liam trying to contain himself. Wow, One Direction’s weird. How can people love these guys? How can I not love these guys? I figured I wouldn’t be getting a decent explanation from them, so I might as well go along.

“Right.” I nodded and fake laughed. Harry looked at me and shook his head, laughing harder.

“You’re a very bad liar.” I blushed some more. Why wasn’t I hugging him back. I was just standing there with my arms out, while Harry clung to me. I wrapped my arms around his warm comforting body and let myself relax.

“He’s mine!” Louis screamed and ran towards us. His strong arms pried us apart. He pulled Harry back to him and gave him a kiss on the neck.

“Are you sure you guys aren’t gay?” I questioned skeptically, even though I knew they weren’t. If they were, Felicia wouldn't be so in love.

“That was just a love bite from Louis.” Harry explained rubbing the spot on his neck.

“You know gay marriages are legal in America?” I asked winking.

“Come on Harry, we’re moving!” Louis shouted excitedly, lifting Harry up bridal stance and carrying him towards the car. I looked back to make sure the other boys knew we were going. Liam and Zayn did, Niall was sill lying flat on the ground, grinning like an idiot. I walked over and shook my head with a smile. I offered him a hand and pulled him up.

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