chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing again. Harry Styles I love you, but you need to stop calling!  I grabbed it and answered. 

“Hi Harry. I have an idea that I think will work!” 

“Honey, what are you talking about?” my moms voice boomed through the speaker. Crap. Me and my bright brain. I looked over at Felicia’s bed. Empty. She was already up and showering. It was only 8:20...8:20! I was meeting Harry in an hour and a half! 

“Sorry mom, the phone woke me up and I felt like I was still in my dream. What’s up?”

“You said you were going to call me back the first night. I started to get worried. Why didn’t you?”

“Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot. Me and Felicia went to the Big Ben yesterday and got some good pictures. Today I think I might let her drag me around the mall.” I tried to put as much disgust as I could in it. But, it was hard considering I might be about to spend the whole day with Harry Styles.

“Alyssa, you hate shopping! And the proper English would be Felicia and I, not me and Felicia. When you come back in three weeks, you should have flawless English!” My mom was an English teacher, so she expected me to do everything properly. Speaking, spelling, writing and especially texting. She hated it when I used the “modern text slang”. We came to the mutual agreement that I would only talk to her properly through text.

“I know, but I promised her. Sorry, I’m tired.” I gave her a fake yawn. I was actually completely wide awake. Just the thought of maybe spending the day with Harry gave me enough energy to run, which I don’t do that often. 

“That’s nice of you. Did anything special happen yet? Meet someone?” I heard the bathroom door opening.

“Actually, we did. We went to the One Direction music video shoot thing and then Harry Styles showed us around a bit yesterday. He’s a celebrity.”

“That sounds fun...who’s Harry Styles?”

“Just this guy. I have to go get ready before Felicia gets mad that I’m taking too long. Love you!” I hung up before she said anything more. Felicia couldn't know that I talked to her now, that was my excuse for the night call. Felicia came out with her hair wet, brushing through it.

“Hey! Who called at night? I was going to kill you!”

“Sorry, that was my mom. She’s bad with the time zone difference.” I tired to sound innocent. “What do you want to do today?”

“Actually, I was hoping we could do our shopping trip today.” she smiled.

“You want to do that alone? I could go around find places so we won’t get lost?” Please work, please work. Please.

“I was hoping I could go alone. Are you sure you won’t get lonely?”

“You know I can think better alone. Are you going to leave now or wait for me to like get ready?” I tried to sound like I didn’t care. I needed her to leave now. Before Harry got here.

“Are you kidding? I’m not waiting for you!” Success!  “You take like hours! Plus the mall opens at 9. I need as much time as I can get! See you tonight?” she was standing in the door way. How did she know when the mall opened? Or where it was?

“Sure. Hey, how do you know the mall opens at 9?” I raised and eyebrow.

“I got up a lot earlier then you...a lot!” she winked.

“Bye!” I flopped down on the bed and pretended to be tired. But when I heard the door close, I sprung into action. I burst into the restroom with my suitcase in hand. I threw it down and grabbed cloths. Jeans, a wavy lacy white tank top and a blue cardigan. I looked at myself in the mirror, then checked the time on my phone. 8:45.

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