chapter 5

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Back at the hotel, I actually fell asleep easily. I was exhausted by the hectic day. At around 1 a.m. my phone started ringing. Being as tired as I was, I didn’t look at the caller ID. I grabbed my phone and walked off to the restroom because, Felicia was cursing and shouting some threats at me. My brain immediately thought to the only person who would call me here and at this time. My mom.

“Mom, you know it’s like one a.m. here!” I hissed into the phone. 

“Excuse me? Do I have the right number?” I was surprised when it was a male voice on the other line. I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen. Shoot. I was talking to Harry Styles. Panicked, I put the phone back. He was saying some apologies and was about to hang up.

“Hi. Sorry, I was expecting a call from my mom and I thought you were her. Sorry.” I started talking and explaining continuously. After some more bad excuses for calling Harry “mom”, I heard laughing on the other line. “Hello?”

“So is this Alyssa, or not?”

“Um, yeah it is. What are you doing calling me at like 1 in the morning? You should be I was!”

More laughter. “Sorry, but it’s hard to get some sleep when Niall’s still hyper and bugging me this late. Plus, he didn’t believe me that you existed and told me to prove it.”

Harry went home and told the other boys about me and Felicia? Maybe he hadn’t soaked in the tub. “Oh, well you can tell him that I exist.”

“Hi!” there was a loud shout from the other end of the line. The “hi” didn’t have a British accent, but more of an Irish one. I figured it had to be Niall. “That was Niall.”

“Hi Niall. I think you should let Harry sleep, who should let me sleep.” I whined.

“Nah. What’s your name?” asked Niall.

“Alyssa Wotte. Why?” 

“Just making sure your the right person. Well, I’m going to eat something. Harry, you’re not crazy.” 

“Good night!” I shouted and giggled.

“Wait. Don’t go yet!” Harry protested.

“No, I was saying good night to Niall.” I heard Niall shout something that I guess was good night, but it was hard to understand. I think he had a mouthful of food. “But I would like to go back to sleep.”

“Ok just, I was wondering if you wanted  to do something tomorrow. Like meet, go sight seeing. Just let me show you around.” 

A huge smile grew on my face. “That sounds great! Where should—” then I remembered about Felicia. I wanted her to come because she’d be happy, but then again I didn’t want her. I wouldn’t get to spend the same amount of time with Harry. 

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just wondering what to tell Felicia...”

“She can come too.” he could have even sounded upset. 

“You don’t want her do you?”

“Honestly, she scares me. So, no not really. She’s just one of those extreme fans who scream and squeal and—”

“I understand.” I honestly did. If he knew how obsessed Felicia was over him, I would have been scared. “I’ll try to sort something out. If I can, where would we meet?”

“In front of your hotel at like 10?”

“Sounds good. I don’t really want to get lost trying to find another place. But sorry if I can’t sort anything out.”

“No it’s fine. I completely understand. You and your friend want to do stuff together. Makes sense.” 

“We actually don’t like the same stuff. I’ll try to sort things out.” I yawned. I was really tired. My eyelids felt heavy and were slowly falling.

“Hey, your really tired. Get some sleep. We can sort it out tomorrow.” He’s so sympathetic...

“Thanks. You should sleep too.” Stupid sentence. Why can’t I sound all nice and romantic without sounding stupid? “Good night!”

“I love you.” then the line died. I sat in the restroom for a few minutes, taking in the conversation. He just asked to meet up with me tomorrow. He went home and mentioned me. my tommy started tingling. I went back to bed with a grin on my face. I struggled to get tired because of my excitement. Tomorrow, I just had to get Felicia to go somewhere, like shopping! She loved shopping, and I hated it. Perfect. I did promise a shopping trip, and she hated it when I went with her because all I did was complain. I smiled at my sneaky idea and slipped into the darkness of a perfect dream.

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