chapter 14

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Harry pulled up beside my hotel at around 10. We sat for silence for a few seconds listening to the rain smashing against the roof. The weather had changed from good, to worse, to super terrible. One second it’s sunny, then clouds started coming and poof! It’s pouring. I guess people don’t lie about it raining a lot in London.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked, while grabbing Felicia’s dress and my other clothes from the back seat.

“Nope.” Harry responded popping the “p”. I looked at him curiously. “You’ll see me today at three thirty.” Well that’s unexpected. I thought to myself.

“Ok, but why?” I asked. Harry gave me a disappointed look. His mouth fell from a smirk to a frown.

“Sorry, I didn’t know I was the unappealing.” he said glumly.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” I leaned over and pecked his cheek with a smile. “Let me re-phrase that.” I thought for a second, while Harry looked at me expectantly. “Gee willikers!  I can’t wait! But what could the special occasion be that would let me spend more time with you?” Harry and I cracked up.

“Gee willikers?” he gasped out between laughs. I shook my head trying to breathe.

“I don’t know why I said that.” Once our stomachs hurt too much to continue our fit of laughter, we restarted our previous conversation. “So what’s the occasion?”

“We have this interview and they told me to bring my girlfriend.” he answered with a shrug.

“Girlfriend? Is that what I am?” I though out loud. My stomach turned and flipped around some. Stay cool! I commanded myself.

Harry’s cheeks started turning bright pink, pinker than ever. “Is that what you want to be?” He was avoiding my gaze.

Are you asking something, Styles?” I asked, the corners of my lips creeping up into a smile. Shoot, wait what am I doing. Stop! Stop, stop, stop! Alyssa just stop. Go! Climb out of this car right now! A voice was screaming in my head, but my body wouldn’t obey. Instead I leaned closer towards Harry.

“Maybe I am.” He took a deep breath. “Alyssa, do you want to be my girlfriend?”

I nodded slightly at first, than finally found my words. “Yes!” I smiled and threw my arms around Harry’s neck. You idiot! Fool! Dumb ass! Woah, when did I start thinking like that? Well now you’ve done it. I’m done with trying to help you. Good. Not good for you and Harry. Remember you have a plane that takes you home in two weeks. Shut up! I’ll shut up when you do the right thing. I though you were done. Wait, when did I start having conversations with myself? It’s official, I’m going crazy

I wasn’t even aware of Harry’s lips pressed against mine until he mumbled the words I dreaded, but wanted to hear for a while. “I love you.”

“I love you too!” Harry’s smile spread from ear to ear, across his face. You’re hopeless! Why don’t you be a good conscious and disappear back to where you were hiding for the past 16 years! 

We pecked again before Harry had to go. I braced myself for the pouring rain before getting out of the car, mentally preparing to sprint to the covered area. I took a deep breath, then burst out the door. Once I was safely under the dry roof, I turned to wave to Harry. I watched as my new boyfriend drove away. I had a smile plastered on my face when I made it upstairs to my room. 

Felicia was sprawled out on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Her eyes were distant. “Hey.” she said not taking her eyes from the ceiling. At least she wasn’t yelling at me like I thought she would.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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