chapter 7

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After stuffing our faces at Nandos, we started our way back to my hotel. The sun was starting to set and we stopped to watch. The golden globe painted streaks of orange, red and pink across the sky. It was amazing to watch, and even more amazing with Harry. I’ve told myself so many times not to fall in love with a celebrity, but now I have. Harry just got to me. He’s caring, sweet, funny, anything anyone would want. I knew that I’d never be able to get out of this. Every step we took together, every word said between us. I was just digging a deeper hole I’d have to climb out of someday. We got back to the hotel at 8.

“Want to do something tomorrow again?” asked Harry while we hugged.

“I’d love to, but I have to check with Felicia.” I pulled out my phone and called her.

“Hey, are you going to do something with—um—Jake again tomorrow?” I asked.

“I was hoping I could. Unless you wanted to do something, like the two of us.”

“Actually, I met a guy too.” Harry’s eyes widened and he shook his head. I smirked. “And he was hoping he could do something with me.”

“Oh my god! Alyssa! What’s his name? How does he look?” she seemed really excited.

“His name is—Henry” Harry looked disgusted. He mouthed the word Henry and wrinkled his nose. “And he looks like a normal boy. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth. Same old, same old.”

“Of course you can do something with him tomorrow! I’m so excited! Take a picture of him! Or wait that’s creepy! Oh, I have to go, Jake just came back! See you tonight!” she hung up. That went smoothly. Then there was Harry. He looked at me and shook his head.

“Henry? Is that the best you could do?” he whined.

“Oh let it go. It’s not that bad. You kind of look like a Henry too.” I walked past him.

“I do not!” he ran up and wrapped his arms around my waist. “And I’m not “same old same old”” Harry mimicked my voice. Or at least tried to. I started laughing. His arms felt really good around my waist. I wanted him to keep them there.

“You’re...a bit above average.” He looked shocked. I pretended to try to wriggle free from his hands. He just tightened his grip. 

“Oh no you don’t, love. I am not average!” He pulled me against his body. He was really warm. I just have to keep denying the fact that he’s amazing and those hands will never let go.

“I’d say ordinary.” I replied. He rested his chin on my shoulder.(I’m a head shorter then he is.)

“You know fans call me extrodinharry?” he stated looking in front of him.

“Yeah? More like ordinharry!” I giggled.

He gasped. “Take that back...”

“Or else what?” I turned my face towards him, our faces centimeters apart.

“Or—I’ll—um—I’ll...” he stuttered. Then his face lit up and he grinned evilly. He looked me right in the eyes.

“Harry...what are you thinking?” He raised his eyebrows. It took me a minute, but I understood. My eyes widened. Blackmail!

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